46} Sonju and Mujika

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Book 6} Chapter 46
Sonju and Mujika

Reader's POV

I knew by Emma's face she was realizing everything.
The way the girl looked, by how she talked about everything...

I didn't like it... the look of sudden distrust on her face.
"You have the same feet as the demons," Ray pointed out as my expression became more pained.

{ It was possible... That these demons wanted to eat us as the other demons... but I don't want to believe it. No part of me. We'd only be on the run again.
The kids... the kids! If they were going to eat us, what happened to them?!

My knees buckled and I fell down.
Nice job, Y/n. You look pathetic at the moment. HeEheE

"The kids..." I muttered. Ray continued before I could finish my sentence.
"Why did you save us humans, your food?" he asked.

"Mujika, you went too far," a new voice appeared. I looked up to see another demon behind Ray and Emma, who were holding hands. His face was hidden and he was wearing a cloak. He had what looked like a weapon, which only made me more worried.

"You took the wrong path again," he added.
"Is that why you came to get us? But you came at the worst possible time," the girl -Mujika- said.

"What's wrong with them? They're pale," he added, looking towards us.
"Why did you..." Ray's voice wavered and I wanted to hug him.
"It's because you brought that weapon, Sonju. They're afraid," Mujika told him.

"Of course I did. There are little kids over there. What if they play with it by accident? They could get hurt!" he stated.
"Why did demons save humans?" Ray tried to ask, but Emma took his spotlight, "Are they okay?!"

Emma then rushed to where the man came from. I wanted to go after her, I wanted to see the kids.
"Emma!" I shouted, I didn't notice how bad I was shaking until that.

"Heh, heh. Sorry, kiddos. So what was your question?" Sonju asked.
" "Why did demons save humans?"" Ray repeated.
That's when I ran after Emma.

"Emma!" I shouted. She didn't stop.
Once she did, I bumped into her.

Both of our eyes widened once we saw the kids.
"Emma! Y/n!" they exclaimed.
Thoma, Anna, and Jemima tackled me down making me smile.

"I'm so happy you're all better now!" one of them exclaimed.
"They're not all better yet!" Gilda exclaimed, trying to calm them. More of the kids jumped onto me.

"Are you all... safe?" Emma asked. I hugged the kids around me tightly.
"Yeah!" Don nodded. I hugged him as well, since he was in the pile of weirdos around me.

"I'm sorry to have scared you. But we don't intend to harm any of you," Mujika spoke.
"My name is Mujika. This is Sonju," she said, motioning to the tall demon next to her. They're hoods were off now.

"But we don't eat humans. That's why we won't... eat you or any of the others. Please don't worry," I felt a huge relief off of my shoulders when she said that.

I sat up, helping Thoma and Jemima up with me.

"Thank you," I told her softly.

Time Skip

They feed us. Soup?
I wasn't completely sure.

I sat down next to Ray.
Emma was next to him.

I looked up to Mujika to see she was handing out all the food.
I sat up, leaving my food.
"I'll help," I offered with a smile.
She smiled back and nodded eagerly.

Sonju gave me a couple of their cups that were full and I handed them to the kids.
"Thank you," Mujika said softly. "It's nothing," I smiled brightly before sitting back down next to Ray.

"It was fine when we ate their food for lunch," Gilda said to them when I sat down. They were probably still suspicious.
"If they were going to do something bad, it probably would have happened by now," she added.

"Plus, the big fact that they saved you. They rescued us. Let's believe in them," Don added with a smile.
I smiled back. Some people with common sense!

Mujika and Sonju folded their hands in prayer, as we used to do.
I did the same.
"For this blessed meal, we celebrate our fortune. We appreciate heaven, earth, and our life. Thank you for this food," Sonju said and we repeated.

I ate my food happily.
I didn't talk to anyone after that, I just ate.

Time Skip

I woke up in the middle of the night. Ray was hovering over me.
"Holy shit, dude! I could've dropped my croissant!" I exclaimed.
He rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Let's go," he said.
I had no idea what he was on about, but I got up and followed him.

We then got Emma with us.

"You're still awake?" Sonju asked once we walked over to him, seperate from Ray and Emma.
"Can we talk to you?" Emma asked softly.
"Sure, go ahead."

"You've been on the run since last night with very little sleep, right? You should rest while you can," he added.
"Yeah. We'll sleep again after this. Thank you," Emma told him.

"And also, I'm sorry to have doubted you. Even though you saved us," she added.
Oh great. This is an apologizing party. Why can't I just sleep?

"I thought all demons were our enemy. I never thought that there would be demons who wouldn't want to eat us," Emma continued.
"Don't worry about it. You were right to be cautious. Human flesh is special to demons. Especially the brain. There are only a few like us. Most demons would start drooling and take a bite if they saw a human. So it's better to think of all of them as your enemy," Sonju replied.

"Then what about you guys?" Ray asked him.
"Religious reasons. We decided not to eat humans for our faith. But only humans. We'll eat anything other than human flesh," he explained to us.

We stayed quiet.

"We are what you call heretics of this society. Them... the farm... their ideology, profit, authority, everything... all of it is none of our concern. We don't care. I only saved you out of curiosity. And I wanted to talk to humans. It's been a while. It's very rare. In this day and age... you can only see live humans within a farm," Sonju explained.

Emma and Ray were quiet, so I decided to be quiet as well.

"What's wrong? Isn't that what you came here to ask me?" Sonju then asked.
"And you can... tell us? What happened to the humans? What is going on in the world right now?" Emma asked as if it took all the courage in her body.

Word Count: 1060

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