17] The Secret Room & William Minerva, Part 2

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Small Things I Wanna Include Before We Start The Chapter
(cuz it starts getting deeper from here on.
These are basically cannon things in this book)

●Ray used to call you 'Butterfly'
(I could bring this back if you guys want)

●Norman and you have been sick together on multiple occasions

●Don probably thinks your quietness is cute

- If you got hurt, Emma would stay at your side at all times

- Gilda thinks of you as her best friend along with Emma

- Norman cares most about making sure you and Emma escape

Book 3} Chapter 17
The Secret Room & William Minerva, Part 2

"William Minerva," I read the book plate.
"This is—" Norman was cut off by Emma.
"A book label!" she said.

Ray whacked her head, "A book plate. A label that indicates the owner of the book. Minerva's book are all over this library. Emma only brought a few of them," Ray informed us.

"What's the message?" I asked, looking at them seriously.
I then looked away, probably seeming intimidating.

"Look at these carefully," Emma told me, she spread the books out to show the owl.
Norman looked at it as well.
I looked at it. The owl was the same. But the circle...
"It's morse code!" I exclaimed.

"Correct," Ray replied.
(Won't lie, I tried learning morse code but failed. But since you're the main character you know it because that's how the main characters are (:

I looked at each.
"Run. Doubt. Danger. Truth," I muttered, Ray was saying them clearly.

"No. But this doesn't mean..." Norman started.
"That they're messages meant for us?" Ray said.
"But what about these?" Emma asked, showing others.

"Harvest. Monster. Farm. Farm!!" Norman and I exclaimed in unison.

"By the way, there's no way this was done by Mom or the demons. If kids find out the secret, they need to be shipped out immediately. That rule is everything. This is a message from the outside to us that was hidden from the demons and the adults. I think we can at least trust these," Ray said.

"These?" Norman asked.
Ray put his hand on Emma's head, "Unlike her, I'm more suspicious. This man named Minerva could be an ally to us, but.. We don't know if he's dead or alive. I don't know if we should get our hopes up too much," Ray said negatively.

"Why do you always have to say things like that?" Emma cried.
"But... There was an ally on the outside. And he might still be there. William Minerva, this man... Is outside and knows our farm exists. And, though indirectly, he's trying to help us," Norman said positively.

"Right? These messages are only in his books. And we don't know when these labels were attached. There's one even on this book. See?" Emma said, going with Norman's positiveness.

I wanted to be positive about this, but we have no idea who this man is...
"This is the book Ray showed us before the one published in 2015," Norman said.
"Don't we know anything else? Like something in common between the contents or the types of the books?" Norman asked. I wasn't surprised at how interested he was in this.

"Not much. The genres are varied. The publishers and the years they were published vary too," Ray replied.
"But what about that thing? Uh, which one was it?" Emma asked. I stared at her with a raised brow as she looked through the books.

"Not that one. The one below," Ray told her.
She grabbed it, "This one!" she said, grabbing the books and plopping them open.

"Tada! We don't understand the morse code on these two books," she told us.

I looked at it.
"There's no morse code on this... and the other one is... promise?" Norman said, his tone unsure.

"As for the continents, one is a typical adventure novel... and the other is a mythology book that I didn't really understand," Ray told us.
Norman flipped through the pages of the book only to see most were ripped.
"I think these have meaning. A book that doesn't have morse code. And the ripped pages. And the message 'Promise,'" Emma said.

"So you think these two are special?" I asked as I paced around.
"Yeah! If I'm right... I think these will become an important guide for us. And that's based on... my hunch!" Emma said with a smile. Ray gave her an exhausted look, "Don't give me that look!"

I chuckled lightly.
"But I think it's worth looking into. Mr. Minerva and the mystery of his books," Norman said as Ray showed us the clock.
"Oh! We should get going. We need to get dinner ready too," Emma said. I nodded and moved from my spot.

{ I wonder... Is this William Minerva a man to trust? }

Ray x Reader Canon Moments
(Norman is up next!)

6 Years Old

"C'mon, she won't notice," Ray told me. I hesitantly nodded and grabbed his hand, following him outside.

We had planned to watch the stars without Mom knowing. It came up when I asked Ray if he could name the stars.
We rushed out of the house. Once we came out, the sky was full of stars.

"Woah..." I said in awe as I stared. Ray also looked at them but didn't seem as enthusiastic.
"Let's lay down by the tree!" I told Ray, dragging him over to the tree and plopping down.

Ray laid down next to me, and we looked at the stars.
"So, name them like you said you would," I urged him.
"Alright," he said calmly. He was quiet for a moment then named them.

I laid my head on his shoulder and watched him point to each one.
Not that long after, I fell asleep.

We ended up both falling asleep and Mom found out.


5 Years Old

"Ray! Look, it's a butterfly," I said with a smile as I looked at it.
Ray looked over my shoulder, "Hm," he said.

I gave him a look.
"It's my favorite butterfly," I said as I turned back to the (favorite butterfly.) 
(Personally, my favorite is the Ulysses butterfly)

Ray turned back to it as it fell off the leaf.
I let out a yelp as I scrambled up to catch it, even if it could fly.

I ended up falling on my face, and the butterfly ended up flying back onto the leaf.
Ray started laughing.

"The butterfly is as clumsy as you," he said in between his laughter.
I pouted and sat up, brushing myself off.
"You know what? I'll call you Butterfly from now on," he told me with a smile.

I looked away from him and smiled slightly.


10 Years Old

"Y/n, do you like it here?" Ray asked me as we cuddled.
"Yeah! Of course," I told him with a smile.

"Why?" I then asked, my head on his chest.
"Just asking," he told me.

I nodded, "I hope I don't have to leave everything too soon," I said with a slight yawn.
"Mhm,"  was my only reply as I drifted to sleep.

Ray played with your hair as he waited for Norman to come in the room.
"I'll protect you, Y/n. All four of us will escape together," he said softly.

Word Count: 1186

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