[ 96 ] Welcome Home

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Chapter 96
Welcome Home




Reader's POV

I opened my eyes.
{ Where am I? Is this the shelter? When did we get here? }

I felt something on my hand.
{ Ray? }

I knew his touch, I would know it blind.
I looked at my hand to see Ray's connected with it.
"You're finally awake,"
He said with a smile.

Then, my vision cleared and I saw everyone else.

I smiled.
Emma was right beside me, awake but quiet.
Everyone's okay...  Oliver was there, Gillian too, and Pepe, even Zack. Then Gilda and Don.
Tears started to build up in my eyes.

"Eh? What's wrong? Are you feeling pain?"
Don asked hastily, coming to my side.

"I'm just so glad... you're all okay,"
I muttered, the tears rolling down my face.

They looked surprised. Jemima and Chris giggled.
"We're glad you're okay, Y/n! Don't worry about us,"
Jemima said.

Ray chuckled, wiping away my tears softly.
"You didn't wake up for such a long time. We thought you were gonna die!!"
One of the kids then said. Emma nodded.

I smiled.
"But everyone is okay, right?"
I asked.

Gilda sighed, patting my head. And I took that as a sign I should worry about myself more.
"There are some that still can't move, but we're all alive and here,"
Theo said with a smile.

"Emma, are you feeling okay?"
I asked.

She nodded.
"Probably better than you,"
She answered with a smile.

"Emma woke up a couple minutes before you did, Y/n,"
Don informed me.
"We also couldn't move you two from each other."
What'd he mean by that? Oh no... was I using Emma as my Ray.
(Ray as in cuddle partner)

"So, you two... Welcome home!"
They said in unison.

I smiled.
Emma and I said in unison.

It was clear she was still in slight pain. I was as well, but I've gotten used to covering it up.

Either way, I was glad to see everyone up and okay.
Especially Oliver and Gillian.
I blacked out after seeing Gillian hurt, so I didn't get to know if she was okay at all.

I soon saw Yuugo.
"Old man, happy to see you once again,"
I said.

"Thank you for saving us,"
Emma said softly.

"Hey, you two need to stay in bed!"
He told us.
Which was weird since we hadn't moved.

"Oh uh... and I'm sorry... for stuff,"
He said. I smirked.
I bet Lucas has something to do with this, there's no way it's that genuine.

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