{88} Rematch

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Book 10} Rematch
Chapter 88




Reader's POV

"Hey, Emma, Y/n,"
I heard.

"Oh, Pepe,"
I said, turning to him.


We ran off again, but now with Pepe.

"The plan is just as we confirmed earlier,"
Emma told Pepe.

"Yeah! I'll let Nigel know!"
Pepe responded.

"We'll break Leuvis's mask. But he's fast, and reads your moves. 

He'll block anything we go for. So we have to stop his movements first. Just like the others."

"But for him, we utilize everyone. And we use this village."

"This village?"

"Yeah. It's narrow indoors, so we humans have an advantage. And... there's a way to stop his movements... In this village."
"Step 1: We stop his movements. Set the trap. 
Step 2: Seven of us lure him there. 
Step 3: Attack."

"Y/n, your team will handle step 2."
"Got it!"
--------Flashback End

We split up. Emma and I grabbed the wires, going in opposite directions.

We dropped them in the water, and electricity spun around, shocking Leuvis. 

{ Leuvis predicts your moves. That's how Yuugo... Lucas... and I lost people we love and wanted to protect. }

"Nooo! I lost to Ray again,"
Emma groaned.

"What can I do to win?"
she asked desperately.

I giggled, looking up at Ray. 
I looked at his book that we were reading as he played chess against Emma.

"You have to read your opponent's moves,"
Norman said, I smiled, nodding.

"Read their moves?"
Emma asked.

We sweatdropped. She doesn't get it...

"Think of the move you'd least want him to do, Emma!"
I suggested, smiling.

"That's usually the move of someone who reads you."
Ray said.
Flashback End------------

Our objective.
The plan we prepared.

Leuvis will know all of it.
and he'll come to crush that plan.

I won't lure him in.

I won't be able to lure him in alone in the first place. 

The plan is impossible with only four people. 
But that's why... 

Nigel shot at Leuvis.
If this could-

He blocked it.
He shouldn't have been able to move!

My eyes widened in fear.
I wouldn't be able to get away.

Leuvis reached for me and I tried to grab my gun.


My eyes got wider as I heard the gunshot and Leuvis was taken back from me.
I let a sigh of relief.

A huge smile made its way to my face. 
{ Ray... Ray's here. 
And Yuugo. But whatever, Ray's here }
[ Y/n, Yuugo just saved you. ]
{ Ray's here! }

"It's been a while, Leuvis,"
Yuugo said. 


Word Count: 424

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