{ 100 } Arrival

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Guys, we've made it to 100 chapters!!
I'm so glad you guys are here and supporting me and this book. 

I love you all!!



Chapter 100


Phil's Letters

[ Dear Y/n and Emma...

   How are you? I'm well. It's been two months.
And a lot has happened.
   Carol can say more words now. My and Sherry's scores have gone up.
Eugene, Carlie and Milosz are doing well too.

   But... I don't know about the others. 
After the fire we separated... and sent to other related facilities. 
   Same house. Under the same sky.
We probably got split up among the other plants.

   I haven't seen Mom since then. I don't know where she is.
We have a new life. With a new mom. Our new siblings are all good people.
   Jackie the oldest. Helen is a kind big sister. The class clown, Simon... reminds me of Don. ]



[ Dear Y/n, 

   How are you? Are you eating well? You haven't gotten hurt or sick, right?
Did you escape safely... and meet up with Mr. Minerva?

   I miss you. 

I'm fine. I'm fine, Y/n. ]



Reader's POV

"Do you hear that?"
Violet asked.

"Probably a stream. If the map's right, there's a stream ahead,"
Don said.

"How do you know without looking at the map?"
Zack asked.

"We memorized it,"
Don said.

Zack looked surprised

"Ray told us to. So we memorized the map in the Ancient Manuscript as well as all the other map's that were in the reference room."
Gilda said.

"It was probably easier than the tests at the house,"
I said with a sheepish chuckle, then repeated what it said.
"Memorize this diagram in ten seconds,' stuff like that."

"So go ahead and use us four as maps."

"But unfortunately, it's old information.
So we're using them only as a reference. The terrain might be the same, but we can't assume the demon communities are just as the maps indicate,"
Ray said.

"And we don't know what types of demons there are,"
Emma added.

"So our priority is to not encounter demons. Observe any tracks carefully to strictly avoid them."
Ray said.

I looked at our linked hands, then looked up with a nod. 
Then, I saw Violet smirking.

She met my eyes, and glanced at our hands.
She raised her eyebrows and I blushed, removing my hand from Ray's.

"But if we encounter some... hide before they see us.
And if they still fine us...
Take care of them before they call others."
and that's what we did. 


"The most dangerous are the intelligent demons who have human forms. We have to avoid settlements and cities at all costs."

[ Our goal is D528-143. ]

And then...



Emma opened the pen.
[ D528-143 ]

"We're here! So this is Cuvitidala?"



Word Count: 474

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