128 ] I've Decided

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Continuation of Book 15
Welcome to the Entrance

Chapter 128
I've Decided



So, small spoiler for the last chapter...
But I just wanted to say I'm glad Emma didn't really get with anyone, ya know?

Like I saw a bunch of things saying Noremma should've been canon or Rayemma.

But as someone who didn't ship anyone the whole series, I think that it's great Emma was the amazing, independent protagonist she was.
And I'm glad that it showed not every series needs to have romance.
Also the fact that she seems them all as her siblings would've been weird

Thank you for listening lolol




Reader's POV

"You're right! But you're only correct in terms of probability!
It's true that if you go by the numbers, that's the correct way. But... what does it mean to be correct? To be certain? To be efficient? I don't know, but it shouldn't just be that. I...
I don't think it's right to massacre innocent children just because they're the enemy!"
Emma said.

"Eradicating is going too far. Killing is too heavy. We don't have to kill.
In fact, there's already a solution where we don't have to.
'We don't know if the human world is safe and that they'll accept us.'
You're right about that too. But it's not absolutely impossible. Even if it's dangerous, if there's a small chance that both sides can survive... let's take that chance and go with it,"
she continued.

"We believed like that before and we're here now. If we choose our path based only on probability, we wouldn't have escaped. We would've waited for death at the house, just like Mama told us. And our siblings wouldn't be here!
I don't want to kill the demons! At least... if it's a future where I have to kill my friends like Mujika... I don't think I would be able to smile anymore,"
she finished softly.

I knew I had to say something...
It seemed as if Norman was trying to do everything himself.
Like last time...
He couldn't do this again.

"So the part you want to avoid is eradication?"
Norman asked her.

Emma said.

"But what about my plan? I've already formed an alliance Geelan. I can't go back on that now,"
Norman said.

"I know,"
Emma said.
"I'm okay up to where you defeat the king and the aristocrats. And the release of the farms. But I don't want you to kill the king and aristocrats right then. I want to use their blood to increase the number of demons that don't have to eat demons."

I stood up and cut in.
"And m-meanwhile, I'll go to the Seven Walls and make a promise with (Wthtti)..."
I muttered, I felt as if I should. I was the one with the pendant.

Emma nodded.
"I'll create a route to escape to the human world. And once we change all of the demons into beings who won't degenerate and destroy all of the farms...
Let's go to the human world, with all the children."

"That's a fairytale. So let's assume the human world is safe to go to. But everything about the Seven Walls is uncertain.
Beyond the Seven Walls, is (Wthtti), who stands above all demons. The Seven Walls.
The place that doesn't exist anywhere here. It's Folklore with no proof or records about it, even at the Ratri Clan. It's full of unknowns.
Even James Ratri couldn't get in there. No such place exists, yet you want to base your plan on it,"
Norman said.

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