8] I Have An Idea

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{ Emma:
An enthusiastic and optimistic girl with superb athletic abilities.

A boy with excellent analytical and decision-making capabilities. He's the smartest child at the Grace Field House.

The only one among the Grace Field House children who can match wits with Norman.

The "Mom" if the children at the Grace Field House.

Isabella's assistant and a subordinate of the demons.

A girl who is interested in fashion.

A carefree boy who is cheerful but competitive. }



            "Wait, Y/n!" Mom called after me. I nodded to Emma and she went on ahead.
She walked over to me and fixed my collar.
"Your collar is flipped up," she said with a smile.

"You might be more of a child than Emma," I heard Ray comment causing me to pout.

"O-Oh, I didn't notice it," I said.
"Have fun," she then said, putting my hair behind my ear while slightly touching my left ear causing me to tense up a bit and my heart to skip a beat.

Instead, I gave her a quick hug.
"Okay, I'm off!" I said with a small wave as I ran off.

"Good job," Ray told me as we walked together.
"Thanks," I said with a smile.

We walked side by side until we made it to the tree we usually sit at.
"Thanks for waiting," I told Norman and Emma.
"Let's go!" Emma said with a smile.

Book 2} Control
Chapter 8
I Have An Idea

      "But our ears, eh? Yeah, no one would notice it. Although, now that I know, I can feel it," Ray said, touching his ear.
"I never knew about a mark from when they took our blood," Norman added. "Me neither," Ray said.

"So a mark that disappears quickly, huh?" Norman said.
"Yeah... it really does disappear fast. And I never even thought of it... I'm sorry," I replied, holding tightly onto a book.

"No, you did great, Y/n! We know the location, shape, and size now! We can move on to the next step," Norman told me with a smile.
I smiled back.

I decided to ignore my feelings for him. I wasn't going to get anywhere just being sad about it.

"The next step after knowing where it is... How to break it!" I said.


"What do we do? If we remove it to check it out..."
"She'll know," I finished for Norman.

"Even if we do something to our ear and cover it with our hair... If she touches my hair as she did just now. 

My heart skipped a beat... I wonder if she's always been checking to see... if the tracking devices in our left ears were still there," I said, deep in thought as I shuddered.

"Maybe. The signal can't specify an individual. Without confirming, she can't tell where we are.  Even if we get close to the gate or the walls, it doesn't even notify her. The tracking devices implanted in us..." Ray paused, I looked at with a serious look on my face.
"Aren't that useful," he concluded. My jaw dropped as the color drained my face.

"But they still have them implanted. Why is that? They must be confident they can come after us as long as the tracking device is intact. Even if we secretly go past the gate or the walls," Ray said.
"Wait. So that means if it were to notify them, it'd only be when the tracking device is destroyed?" Norman asked.

"What?" Emma asked, confused.
"Yeah, that's a possibility," Ray answered.
"What do you guys mean?" Emma asked.

"If it's destroyed, they can't find us. As long as it's there, they can capture us. Then it's logical that they would be noticed immediately only when it's broken. Like with an alarm or something," Ray explained. Now I understood his gibberish.

"So, if we destroy it, Mom will be notified?" Emma said.
"Well, that's only if the notification function actually exists," Ray told her.

"But if you think that Mom purposely let us know about the existence of the tracking devices... We can't dismiss it so easily," Norman muttered.
"And it's risky to mess with it or break it," Ray added.
"So we can only destroy it when we escape," Norman concluded.

"What?! But how will we figure out how to destroy it?!" Emma exclaimed making me chuckle slightly at her behavior.

"Actually for that... This shape and size brings something to mind. So can you leave this issue to me?" Ray suggested.
"You sure it's okay?" I asked him, stepping up from keeping quiet.
"Yeah," he replied.
"If you say so... Then we'll leave it to you," I said, Norman nodding in agreement.

"Now about taking everyone outside with us. The problem is that everyone completely trusts Mom. And they probably won't be able to handle the truth," Norman said, his arms crossed.

"So do we have to lie to them to take them outside?" Emma asked with a guilty look on her face.

"There's also the problem of insufficient abilities. In other terms, they are a hindrance," he said.
"Ray!" Emma and I both exclaimed. She hurled the ball in her hands at him, expecting him to get with it.

"But it's the truth," he said, catching the ball.
"Some of them aren't good at physical activities. And we have babies who can barely walk," Ray said to conclude why they were a 'hindrance.'

"I already thought about that!" Emma exclaimed.
"I have an idea!" She announced.

Time Skip

"This way!" I told the kids as we ran.
I smiled at them and Emma helped me lead.


"Tag?" I asked.
"Yeah, our game of tag. Norman is it, and everyone runs away. Using our body and brains," Emma explained.

"So we're going to pretend it's play when we're actually training," Norman said.
"It's not like we can run away from the demons just by doing this. But for the escape and its aftermath, we can increase our fundamental abilities. I'll teach them how to use their bodies. As for their brains... Norman and Ray, you're the teachers," she then turned to me, "We're the students,"

Flashback End-

The kids followed me with a smile on their faces.
We soon met up with Emma and her team of children.

Only for us to get caught by Norman.
"No fair, Norman!" I whined, hitting my head on his shoulder.
He chuckled and gave me a smile as we headed over to Ray.

Ray was talking to Thoma. I ran up to him until a figure towered over us,
"Playing tag? How fun. Let me join!" Sister Krone said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ray asked, a sort of protective look on his face as he grabbed my hand.
"I want to get to know everyone. So let's play tag!" she said with a smile, putting her hands together.

"Did she come here to interfere? Or to spy...?" Ray asked Norman, keeping a grip on my hand. I forced a smile at Sister Krone.
"It's not a problem. She won't find anything. We're all just playing a high-level game of tag. There's nothing for her to interfere with," Norman told him with a smile.

{ Keep calm. I have to be calm so she won't suspect anything }

"This is our opportunity! To get to know the enemy!" Emma told us. Ray smirked, "Yeah, you guys are right," he said. We all then turned to Sister Krone, "This match will have a time limit of 20 minutes. I'm it. Try to get away from me~.

Word Count: 1276

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