{ 102 } Found It

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Chapter 102
Found It






[     SEPTEMBER 2047    ]
         (Approximately a year and seven months since the desctruction of the
 Goldy Pond Hunting Ground )

Reader's POV

[ It's been a year and eight months since our escape. 
We're still alive. ]

I nodded to Oliver, taking out my bow.
He nodded back.

Thoma and Lanni stayed silent.
And now we started our hunt.

[ By expanding the garden and stuff...
We've been able to avoid going outside as much. ]

I laid down next to Ray in silence and he hugged me tightly.
I smiled.

Ray nuzzled his head in my shoulder.
But I didn't notice Emma's confused look.

[ Fortunately the Ratri Clan hasn't attacked us yet.
Everything's going good. 
But we haven't heard anything from the supporters yet. ]

I smiled as I looked up at Yuugo, then turned to Lucas.

They really were the "parents" I'd dreamed of before we found out everything.
Fun, cheerful, loving, humorous. 

They both liked to call me their daughter, er well "badass little potato db"  which I didn't mind.

I honestly was able to see them as my parents,
but I'm definitely not going to call them "pa" and "dad". 

[ We've been searching for the Seven Walls as well. 
After that time... when we returned from Cuvitidala... it was decided that we'd look for the place with the temple and golden water that I saw. ]


[ July 2049.
Approximately 4 months after Cuvitidala ]

I stood next to Nigel as I watched everyone.

"Let's see. The books that had some sort of description of temples were..."
Ray muttered.

"First bookshelf, second shelf from the top, fifth and seventh book from the left.
Fourth shelf, tenth book from the left. 

Second book shelf, top shelf, ninth and 15th book from the left.

And forth book shelf, third shelf from the top,"
Ray told the kids. I sweat-dropped.

"Grace Field is crazy!"
Nigel said.

I chuckled sheepishly.

"No, that's just Ray..."

"We're going to narrow the search. Compare the scenery and temple shape Y/n saw against topography and culture,"
Ray said.

He was leaning on the desk, a towel around his neck and his sleeves were pulled up.
My heart was beating fast at the sight, and I actually didn't think that could actually happen...

I watched him silently, Nigel didn't say anything as he watched everyone plan everything.

And Nigel, he hasn't had his hat on for a while, so he let me touch his hair anytime.
Sure, it's weird, but if you've ever touched Nigel's hair, you'd understand.

"And the golden water too!"
Emma called out, snapping me from my thoughts.


[ Two Weeks Later ]

"You're going already?"
Yuugo asked.

I smiled, giving him a quick hug before going back to everyone.

"We'll go to the east first. Once we check it out, we'll come back!"
I told him. 

[ After seven months, we arrived. 
And with nothing from the East side at all. ]

I took a deep breath, my hair had grown longer in the seven months, so I rushed to put it in a ponytail.

"We're going to the West next! We need to hurry!"
Emma said. 

And so, before we left I made sure to hug Yuugo or Lucas, or Yuugo and Lucas.

Flashback End---

[ The West side had seven possible areas for the golden water.
And three possible areas for the temple.

But all of the temple possibilities... were within demon towns. 
And our group is now in.. ]

We were dressed up as demons.
No one had noticed us.

"Let's hurry."

and so, we did. 
And we rushed out of the town.

As soon as we were far away enough, we took off our masks.

"That was close!"
Emma said with a sigh of relief. 

I took a deep breath, turning to Ray.
He gave me a smile and helped me take my mask off.

I said softly.

"No problem,"
he muttered, smiling.

Our relationship was going well, 
although my protection squad kept an eye on us most of the time.

No one really knew, well except for my "bigger potato db dad" Yuugo who suspected it from the start and instantly started teasing us immediately.

I honestly didn't know why no one else had noticed,
especially since Ray and I were extremely loving toward each other.
But eh. Yeet.

I took Ray's hand and we went back.



"We're back!!"
Emma called out once we did.

"Welcome home!"
they all said.

Oliver came up to us along with most of everyone else.

"Is everyone okay? You're all doing well?"
Emma asked with a smile.

"Yeah. Everyone's well. We didn't lose anyone."

I smiled at Oliver. He came over to us.
And then I noticed something...

Most of everyone is still taller than me.
I sighed.

Oliver chuckled as if reading my thoughts and patted my head.
"Don't worry, you grew,"
he told me.

"You're not lying, right?"
I asked with a deadpan.

"Not at all, you used to be here,"
he said, showing how tall I used to be.
"Now you're here,"
he finished, moving his hand up.

My eyes lit up.
I said with excitement.

 I hugged Oliver tightly.
"Thank you, Ollie. You've given me hope,"
I said with a smile.

He chuckled and hugged back.
"Yeah yeah."

I smiled and pulled away from the hug, turning to everyone else. 
I noticed Oliver tense up.

Then, I saw Ray looking away from us.
I chuckled sheepishly, knowing he was probably glaring at both of us.

"Well, then. Spill it, girl! Had any luck?"
Yuugo asked.

"We found 'em! The temple and the golden water!"
I said with a smile. 


(I'm sorry I had to use the other version of that moment xD)



Word Count: 961

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