Visiting Friends (1)

Start from the beginning

Though, it hardly eased the copious worries the five skeletons held for the suddenly reclusive monster. Some would not outright admit to worrying, but it showed. Red eyelights occasionally flicked over to the front door, and a tall, commanding figure regularly peeked out of the kitchen, checking for the small Sans. 

Classic and Edge punned back and forth until a sudden knock sounded at the front door. The noise caused both skeletons to freeze and grin at each other. Soon the kitchen entrance found itself crowded by Papyrus and Fell, who slipped into the area simultaneously; Their orange-wearing counterpart failed to join them. Presumably asleep. They gazed at the door with a hopeful and reserved expression, respectively. Classic lept out his seat with an energy and speed no one anticipated before anyone else took a single step toward the door. Who could blame him? After two months of minimal contact with Blue, they all wanted to see the lively skeleton with their own eye sockets and determine whether or not he seemed okay. It could not be easy living on his own for the first time, especially without having his brother around. But maybe, just maybe, that was an excuse to shy away from the fact that the other was so greatly missed. The cheery skeleton was more than capable of taking care of himself, after all. 

Eagerly, Classic's bony hand unbolted the door and flung it wide open. Light filtered through the doorway, reflecting off a pearly white surface, revealing the person to be everyone's anticipated guest: Blue (and most definitely not the random stranger or mailman that everyone half expected to stand there like a sick joke). The Underswap skeleton stood tall with a bright smile spread across his face, which seemed to brighten further once he saw his friends. His electric blue eyelights sparked, vibrant and full of magic/joy. A few eyebrows raised regardless. Instead of his battle body, an ensemble consisting of a light blue polo shirt, a pair of light grey shorts with matching sneakers, and his signature blue bandana clothed him. No one noticed the chain leash held firmly by his hand.

The grin on Classic's skull widened. In his typical lazy timbre, he said, "Blue, I'm glad you could- FUCK!"

A hulking form bolted past the doorway and lunged at him as a terrifying snarl ripped through its throat. He stumbled backward, narrowly preventing a series of sharp teeth from tearing into his face by tripping and landing on his rear. His eyelights extinguished when the maw of his would-be attacker stopped before him, teeth gnashing at air; swollen red eyelight boring into his frantically beating soul. All breath fled Classic's nonexistent lungs.

Looming over him was a monster. A skeleton like him. Yet not.

He quickly noted the monster was decidedly male- if his own minor resemblances to them were any indication. Jagged fangs lined the other's jaws, set in a borderline feral grin that could cause even a baby Fell to cry. Claw-tipped phalanges on chipped, partially bandaged hands dug into the floor on either side of him, their razor-sharp tips slipping deep into the hardwood floorboards with ease. Classic shuddered at the thought of what those nails would do if flesh or bone laid beneath them instead. His vacant eye sockets slowly crept up to study the top of the growling skeleton's skull. A gaping hole surrounded by sharp, broken edges adorned the back-left side of the bone structure, likely contributing to the unhinged behavior and abnormal eyelight. Based on the length of his bones and stature, he would reach Papyrus' shoulders if he stood up straight and surpass the height of every Sans in the room. It was a wonder that Blue's hold could restrain him from charging forward and killing everyone. Especially given how violently the other thrashed against the bonds securing him to his keeper. As the brute tugged forward, the surprisingly clean dark blue hoodie and black shorts he wore wrinkled.

A pained gag soon escaped the crazed skeleton's throat as his chain collar pushed on a sensitive vertebra. In response, he stumbled closer to Blue and leveled Classic with a ravenous glare as his leash slackened slightly. The original Undertale Sans did not have the guts or spine to remove his eye sockets from the dangerous creature, fearing that once he did, the other would not hesitate to attempt another attack.

Throughout the stare down, his onlooker's posture remained flawlessly reminiscent of a predator worse than those lurking in the underbelly of Underfell's darkest caverns- faux muscles coiled and ready to pounce. Which precisely was what the lazy skeleton feared. Aggressive magic flicked to life somewhere in the room. Quite possibly the doing of one of the Underfell brothers, or an overprotective Stretch. Cautiously, Classic maneuvered his arms behind himself and began to crawl backward.

The further from Blue's "unique friend" he got, the more the weight bearing down on his soul vanished.

"What the fuck is that!" Edge screeched, scrambling onto the couch's backrest while snagging a cushion to create a barrier between him and the threat. Papyrus was so stunned by the appearance of their surprise guest he neglected to scold the Underfell inhabitant for his vulgar language.

Unfortunately for Edge, his outburst caught the chained monster's attention. The unnamed skeleton promptly turned in his direction, blood-red eyelight searing into the pillow, and began to growl before tugging at his bonds again.

Blue gasped and pulled his hands close to his chest, which caused the leash in his left hand to tug his companion back over to him. The broken-headed monster grunted as he landed ungracefully at the other's feet. His already menacing face twisted in a snarl, seemingly displeased but not enough to turn on the person holding him back; the rumbles radiating from his throat refused to die down. Pulling himself into a sitting position, he returned his predatorial gaze to the mustard-loving skeleton. Edge visibly shuddered. Meanwhile, Fell looked half ready to skewer the beast in order to protect the household- red magic sparking threateningly, a calculating gleam in his sockets, a basic defensive pose. Everything about him screamed, "ready for a fight."

Classic, on the other hand, silently gaped at Blue's display of strength. Sometimes, he could not help but wonder if the Underswap Sans was secretly a Judge or Boss Monster. Likely neither, but still the other had to have something special about him for that unnatural strength to be a thing. 

Shaking out of his stupor, he aimed a few choice words at their long-waited guest, "Blue, what the hell?!"

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