Chapter 39: Tonight's Not My Shining Night

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•Y/N's POV•

I force myself to stop, but Joker wasn't having it. Hachi was the only one who save and take care of him the whole year. It might not be that long, but they treat each other like family.

Spade and Queen came out of their spot and went close to their friend crying.

"H-Hachi... We're s-sorry... We couldn't make a m-miracle h-happen..." he stuttered as his voice shake in despair.

Queen and I have the same reaction. We only hold our tears as Spade just bow his head.

"The death of the people... you care about means a lot to you humans..." Phoenix mention as he walk to us. "Hachi was l-like a family to me... I-Including Y-Y/n... If I loose either of them, having a t-treasure doesn't mean a-anything..."

"Then... the Ancient Treasure?"

"Do what you want with it..."

"And your game with me?"

"I don't care!" Joker raise his voice before I look at him in pity. Hachi must be like Cresent... Both have a soft part in Jack's heart...

"I see... It means that much..." the fire bird boy mumble before he cut his finger and let a small drop of light bead from his hand. He kneel in front of them and slowly put it in Hachi's mouth.

"Akai? What did you do?" I ask before he smile to me when Hahci's chest glow amd slowly start healing. Everyone slightly gasp before the small ninja flatter his eyes slowly open.

"Huh? I thought I'd been shot... Was that just a dream?" He ask before Joker broke in to tears and hugged him tightly. I have the same reaction and hugged both of them.

"Your alive! We're so glad your okay!"

Suddenly, I stopped when Phoenix slowly fell on the floor, but I caught him in time as I stood up. "Phoenix, you okay?" I ask in worry before he give me another smile. "I will be f-fine... I think I just use too much power..." he stuttered before I caught someone running behind him.

Something shiny beam in the moonlight that made my eyes shrunk in realization. I quickly push Phoenix to Joker and Hachi before I felt something sting in my chest. A tear fell on that person's hand when I saw a knife trough my center.

"Y/N/M-MOM!" Everyone scream in sync before my breathing hitch and fell in the darkness.

•Author's POV•

You fell on the floor after the guy pull the knife away. You didn't get a chance to say anything because the asthma made it worse. You couldn't fight to death...

Spade was boiling in rage before he shot the guy with thick ice.

"Y-Y/n... why you t-too..." Joker mumbled before the innocent boy look at your body in horror.

"I have no e-energy l-left... yet, I want to heal so b-badly..." he whimpered and hugged your cold body. It was the first time Phoenix would cry over someone. He would never cry in front of humans...

Due to his despair and growing rage, flames surrounded him in anger. He give the guy who stabbed you the deadliest glare with flaming eyes that made the guy look at him nervously. Phoenix growl at him in pissed before he burned the guy Spade freeze to ashes before his flames cover the place and put all the trees surrounding them in fire.

"Pnoenix, you're going too f-far... You swear you would never kill anyone..." Spade mention, but the firebird only gritted his teeth. He wanted to kill Dr.Neo and all his men.

"An important life cause another useless life... How am I going too far?! He took away my mom's life so why not take his?!!..." he snap that made everyone back away. Even Joker. He thought that Phoenix was never serious, but when he is angry, he looks terryfing.

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