Chapter 22: The Ship Of Lies And The White Devil

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•Y/N's POV•

I walk around the city again in disguise before I caught DJ Peacock in another news report. Lucky he have the confidence and energy. Wish I can have some energy a little bit like Joker and him.

"Good evening, everyone! Oveworld Network News here! I'm your announcer, DJ Peacock! Announcing last week that Ms.Y/N L/N's first song went viral on the internet and some fans even start stalking her on files! Some fans are respectful while the others are crazy!

Younger children most of all idolize her because of beauty and her deep love on kids! Some rumors even say that she has a love interest on Kaitou Spade after her fanboys said when she first sing her number in public competitions, they caught her entering the JJ Borther's room and saw him with one of the Phantom Thieves.

Also, long ago, the great pirate Captain Black acquired a legendary treasure known as the 'Star of Thor'! Captain Black's ship went down near the Caribbean Sea, and has never been found!

Will these idol rumor stay for long and will someone find this 'Star of Thor' ruby?! What a heart-shaking and pounding in nervousness and excitement news!!!

Heh, well done DJ... Just hope that rumor won't go crazier since I haven't hangout with Spade that much since he is busy with Ai at their 'World Tour'... I think that's what people call these days...

"I just can't stand water sometimes..." I mumble.

I wonder how this 'Phoenix' guy looks like and doing right now. He sound so rude, but can act cool and calm. I mean, he sound so lonely when he got stuck at the quick sand and when Acrux jump on me. Speaking of Acrux, how did I know his real name?...

After the news, I called DJ Peacock even that's so weird of me to do before he answer, "Oh hey Y/n! Just finish the news. You need something?" He quickly ask with an energetic tone. "Yeah. About that, is there any improvements of the news you reported about three lost teenagers. The 2 boys and 1 girl..." I mention.

"Aaaah, I see... The investigation found a hair color from their bed their body was laid before. Black hair with red stripes, cotton candy and royal blue hair with sky blue stripes... Familiar with it?" He mention. "Please call me once your found them... They are someone I know... like old friends, for example..." I said.

"Sure thing! So where's Joker going after now?" He ask before I hum in response before answering, "Maybe planning something again. He wasn't sure yet... Maybe he will go to take the Star of Thor tomorrow..." I mention. "Well glad to hear you knew something... Does he know?" He ask before I chuckle.

"I don't think so... He is like a clueless kid when it comes to someone having a crush on him... He might be a smart hat but he can be dumb when it comes to feelings..." I said. "Well good luck with that. You can call me if you need anything. I'll just get so-" he trailed off before I went confuse.

"DJ? DJ Peacock, are you in there?..." I ask before his phone suddnely went dead. Did he lost his signal? Or... worse? I put my phone back in my pocket and remove my disguise before I jump in the roof and star gaze like I always do.

"Acrux... are you from space?..." I said to myself before I look down at my glowing necklace and yawn. "I wanna go home... At the same time, I wanna stay..." I mumble before I pull my knees to my chest and gaze at the moon before at the Cross constallation again.

Little did I know was someone doing the same thing without noticing me behind him/her...

"Shining Sun! Blue Sea! It's nice to take it easy every now and then. Right Hosshi?" Hachi said in relief before Hosshi agreed with him. "Hachi, how many time do I have to tell you? His name is Acrux..." I corrected him.

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