Chapter 16: Travelling Jokers

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•Y/N's POV•

It's night time and I was disguise as a rich girl to blend my necklace. I walk peacefully at the side walks in a bridge and look at the water, seeing my brother and friend's reflection laughing together with me when we were kids...

"Huh... I felt like I want to go back time and see what the past looks like, but what am I to do that? An immortal?..." I joke before I sigh. Suddenly, my peaceful night was interrupt by an explosion.

"What the-" I cut myself off before I start running there. Once I reach close enough, I heard a familiar voice. "Then I guess I'll just have to kill you to get it!"


I continue and end up in a broken bridge, seeing Joker at the other side. All of a sudden, the water rise before my necklace glow, giving me a water path. I hesitate and slowly step on.

Goodness stars, I'm not falling so I took my chance. Too bad as I reach the other side, Shadow accidentally hit the suitcase that cause it to glow. I gasp in horror when my necklace was pulling me closer, causing it both to glow more.

Soon, I felt my body went weak and slowly fade before I scream when my disguise was gone. "Y/n?!?"  Both Jokers called before we start falling. I almost fell but Shadow caught me in time.

"Where... are we?" The red magician spoke first before my eyes shrunk when I look around. The place looks like centuries.

Shadow quickly put me down and blast his look alike, but miss when he jump. "Give that to me!" He demanded as they start blasting each other.

"Shadow, stop! If you took it, we are gonna get stuck in this place!" I remind him before I scream and felt so ething hard on my wrist, causing me to wince a bit.

"Who's there?" Shadow ask before I saw shadow figures in the roof. "Hey, hey, hey! If you're gonna disturb the peace of Edo... I'm gonna make you pay!" The voice finish my necklace glow, seeing his self.

"H-Hachi?" Me and Joker said in unison. "Who?" Shadow question again. "Do you know who's this person is?!" One ninja said.

"What are you talking about? It's Hachi, duh..." the red magician respond bluntly.

"The impudence! He's the leader of our shinobi team, the Shogun's personal spies! Lord Ichi of Fuma!" The random ninja corrected. "Huh? Knock off the weird ninja nonsence, Hachi..." Joker said as I stood behind the two magicians.

This is not what I expected from my peaceful night...

"You two! I notice you using some strange-looking techniques! You're friends of the Clockwork Robbers, Kumadayu, aren't you?!?" He accused before my eyes shrunk. "Clockwork Robbers? Kumadayu?" I repeated in confusion.

I don't even know what that means...

"Don't feign ignorance! They're robbers who steal iron bells and bronze statues from the temples of Edo!"

"Knock off the nonsense and take this thing off already, Hachi..." Joker scolded before I gasp and push him at the floor with me when I notice the ninja throwing sharp things. "You're not Hachi, are you?!" I remind him.

"I think we'd better start over from scratch..." Shadow suggested as I agree after me and the magician stood back on our feet. Shadow blast a red beam before Joker throw his J badge to the ground, creating smoke before we disappear from their sight.

"We won't stand out, dressed like this..." Shadow started as I groan when I saw ourselves dress differently. And I'm telling you, I dress weird looking.

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