Chapter 10: The Labyrinth Of Shadow And Mirrors

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•Y/N's POV•

I was reading some book an in my hotel apartment until Joker pull me out of nowhere and here I am with Queen because he will check something first. "It's getting longer. Maybe it's time to cut it?" She ask. "You look amazing on any other hairstyle, Queen..." I remind her before she sigh and close her pocket mirror.

"What are you doing her anyway, Y/n? You're not a Phantom Thief, are you?" She added. "I was just reading you people called 'books' until he dragged me here..." I explain bluntly.

"Are you after the treasure as well?" I added before she nod. "Yeah, but Roko sure is late... I was sure he left before I did..." she mention before a car stop in front of us that cause both of us to stand up.

"Oh, Joker! That's very cool!" The blonde girl said while I keep quiet. That motorbike... I know that SJ sign..."It's the Black Speeder..." he mention before my eyes shrunk and lift his golden eyes. I gasp in horror before I hide my necklace.

"It's been a while, Queen... and I sure did miss you, my dear Y/n..." he said before he pointed his umbrella and shoot a red beam between us. "Look out!" Joker's voice was heard before throw his car to shove Shadow's weapon that nearly hit both of us girls.

"Y/n, Queen, you okay?!" Joker quickly ask as he help both of us up. "Yes..." we both said in unison. "Shadow Joker!" He called before Shadow start laughing. "I'm so flattered that you remembered me...Yes, I am the black sahdow that paints over light..." the blue cyan hair joker before I give small smile.

"Let me guess... You love my gift..." I ask before his smile drop. "What? How did you-" "I can tell... Besides, I'm not scared of you because you have a reason why you're doing this... The people will never kill unless they have a good and desparate reason..." I explain before he winced and look down, clenching his fist.

"What are you doing here?!" Queen ask. "I know that you're after the Treasure of Olympus... I won't let you people have it!" He said before he jump and landed behind us before he ran inside. "Hey! Wait up!" Joker scream as me and Queen follow them.

We went down to the staircase then goes deeper and darker until we reach the main place filled with stone people. "Which way did he go?" The blonde girl ask. "Darn him. He's getting in my way again!" The white icy hair boy complain.

"I wonder why he's after you..." Queen wondered. "I have no idea! I ticked off so many people, I can't even guess..." he said before I giggle. "Can't argue that..." "Actually, shouldn't you know him better than us?" I ask Queen confusion. "I don't. We never ask each other anything..." the diamond girl explain.

"Well, whoever he is, I won't let him get the treasure..." Joker said before we three began walking. "I'm pretty sure he's not after the treasure... His not that obsessed with golds and jewels like you..." I joke before he playfully scoff. "When you say that, I feel like something will jump..." the magician said.

"Don't talk like that!" Suddenly, we heard something from a far that made me yelped. "D-Did you hear something just n-now?" I stuttered. "It's probably just your imagination..."

Then another noise was heard that made me hide behind my crush. "Come on, you heard that, right?!" Queen said but Joker still refuse to believe it. Just after that, a scream of terror coming from human was heard. Wait-was that a voice of a person?!" He mention before he grab my wrist and start running.

Suddenly, Queen scream when she saw a statue of people. "Don't scare me like that! They're just stone statues!" Joker complain to make her stop as my body start to tremble. "I rather be back home with my hot chocolate right now, Joker..." I whimper before we saw more.

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