Chapter 50

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Guys we hit it Chapter 50!!

Enjoy :)

Jai P.O.V.

"Daadd come onn why won't you let me help you with this casee? You know I want to be like you when I grow up, so I need practice and experience as early as I can." 

"Pleeassee dadd." I pleaded with my hands sticking together. 

Dad shook his head, "No Jai, I've told you this a million times." 

"This case is way to dangerous for you to be involved. Ok, my boy? Now go eat breakfast." 

I crossed my arms, "But don't you want to be proud of your son in the future?" I looked away and heard a chuckle come from him. 

"No matter what you do in life Jai, Ambien and Nina Leonis will always be proud of you." 

"Every step of the way." His big hand ruffled my hair. 





Dad walked up to me and placed his hands on my shoulder, "Jai. This case isn't like the normal ones I usually take. If I brought you with me, both our lives would be at risk." 

"And I don't want to see my son dying before I do." 

"Now, I'm going to say this for the last and final time," he sternly spoke, 




Dad stared into my eyes. 

I slowly nodded. 

A tiny smile formed on his lips. 

He wrapped his arms around me, "Trust your father, Jai." He rubbed my back. 

"I love you my boy." 

"I love you too." I mumbled. 

"Wait what was that?" Dad joked and put hand to his ear. 

"I love you too ok." I spoke out. 

Dad laughed ruffling my hair once again, "Be happy, your dad was told to rest today. I can spend all day with you, and the rest of the family!!" 

"Now imma go eat some breakfast that your amazing mother has made." He smiled and left.

Hours later...

We decided on having a Harry Potter marathon. 

Everyone was munching on popcorn when we heard ringing. 

Specifically Dad's work phone. 

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