Chapter 22

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Guys, if ya'll were wondering who tf, Andres is from the last chapter, it was a typo I'm so sorryyy 

Andres was the original name I was thinking to have as Jai's best friend but I changed it last minute to Kai so my badd

Anyways enjoy the chapter!!

Jai P.O.V.

I woke up to not my alarm, but Amiga coming on top of me and settling herself on my waist. I felt her nails slightly dig into my skin through the blanket. It made sense since I haven't cut her nails in a while. 

"Oh, ow, oww Amigaa!" I reacted, but she could care less. 

She kept twirling and twirling until she was finally comfortable, and put all of her weight on me, making my body jolt up in pain, "Oww you're to heavy Amigaa!!" I groaned. She's only a corgi, and females weigh 29 pounds maximum.

But I wasn't in the mood.

It was early, too early. 

So, I just pushed her off of me and she landed next to me on the bed. Amiga tried getting back up on top of me, but I was already getting up from bed, "Haha, you thought." I laughed at her. 

It was still a little bit dark outside, which was disappointing to see. Today I got to sleep in, because I finished all the work I had and my boss literally said these exact words, "I don't care when you come to work." 

So, my definition of sleeping in was when the sun fully rose, and I would wake up to a bright view. 

But no. 

I can't have what I want.

I unplugged my phone from the charger, to see what the time was: 6:30.

I rubbed and stretched my face in annoyance, "I woke up a whole hour early. UGH!!" I turned to eye Amiga, "This is all your fault." She looked at me for a second, then continued on to whatever she was doing. "Hmph, meanie." I pouted. 

I realized while brushing my teeth that I slept through the whole night, without waking up once. I high fived myself and smiled because it's a very rare occasion.

I finished brushing, washed my face, and gave Amiga her breakfast while eating cereal because I didn't have any energy to make anything. Quickly I gulped down the goods and checked the time: 7:00.

"Oh, it's still early. Oh wait of course it is." I glared at Amiga once again and made out hand gestures of anger at her while she was stuffing her face into her food. We headed our way to the couch and turned on the T.V. I debated on whether to watch anime or a romcom. "Hmm, shit I don't know." So, my only solution was to hold out two fists to Amiga, the left for rom-com and the right for anime. 

"Choose." I said to her as she looked at my fists.

After long thought, she raised her paw and landed it onto my right hand. "OK! Anime it is!" I smiled at her, ultimately forgiving the actions she displayed before. 

Even though she never apologized in the first place.

I immediately settled myself back on the couch and played the show as Amiga rested herself on my lap. After a couple of episodes, I checked the time again: 7:45

"Ok, I think I should start getting ready now."

I had to wake up Amiga since she fell asleep and realized how numb my legs became after she left. I wobbled as I stood up, but eventually retained my balance and went to go get changed.

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