"Evlynn. I can't do this. Cait's my best friend-"

"Right now I don't care about my sister." Evlynn rushed out kissing him again. This time Isaac didn't fight it. Maybe deep down it made him guilty but right now it gave him some sort of power. Metaphorically that is, but either way he felt like he could take on anything. Well anything but maybe an angry Cait.

Malia and Chloe

"I don't get it!" Malia screamed, throwing the math book across the room.

"Mal." Malia didn't look at Chloe, just dug her claws into her palms out of anger. "Malia!" The twin tried again as Malia caused herself more pain trying to stay human.

The were-coyote had only been in school for a few days but she hardly understood anything. That might have been because the past weight years of her life she had been a coyote, and the past three months she had been in a mental facility.

But really she just didn't understand it. She didn't understand math, she didn't understand school, she didn't understand people, she couldn't even understand how not to shift when she was mad.

Scott Cait and Stiles had been working with her trying to find an anchor, but so far not much luck. But she was just glad they didn't throw lacrosse balls at her like Cait and Stiles did for Scott. Or key someone's car, because Malia knew that person would have ended up dead.

"Mal?" Chloe asked again but Malia kept her head pointed at the ground not wanting to show her blue eyes, as cold as ice.

She knew that if she unballed her fist, blood would spill onto the blanket below her. She could smell it. But she couldn't get her claws to go back. She didn't want to hurt Chloe.

Chloe didn't look the way Malia couldn't look up. Or how she could see thin faint lines of blood on her hands. She knew Malia couldn't fully control a shift yet, and that worried the twin.

She did remember a story her sister had told her about Scott and Allison when he was first bit. How she kissed him and brought him back. So she just hoped it would work now. She stood from the bed and walked over to Malia who was pacing around the front half of the twins room.

"Malia." This got Malia to stop pacing. "You'll get it." Chloe and Malia were inches apart at this point. "You'll get all of it. It just takes time." CHloe didn't get the chance to make the first move, when Malia bent her head to the side and kissed the older twin.

Chloe felt like she was on a high. Not a better feeling in the word. But Malia could feel the kiss help her physically. Her claws retracting from her skin and her eye shifting back. She had found an anchor. A physical person that seemed to keep her bolted to the food so she wouldn't hurt anyone. Someone who could bring her back.

Someone who was right in front of her.

Scott and Caitlin (POV Scott)

I sighed, everything Caitlin had just told me a mess in my mind. Either way I stood from my spot on her bed, walking over to the door where she stood. "Last question." My voice dropped to a whisper. "Why are you still on this earth?"

Caitlin looked like a deer in headlights before she spoke. "Remember how I mentioned that Lottie and the twins were drunk when we came to this earth?" I nodded, telling her to go on. "If you're drunk when you come to another earth then you forget the earth you came from. They were drunk and we can't go home unless they remember that we aren't from this earth. Well, I can go home, but they can't. I myself was just drunk enough to remember but say yes to bringing them here in the first place." Caitlin let out an airy laugh, trying to cover tears.

I didn't say anything, just thought. Everything Caitlin had done since she got to Beacon Hills had been for Lottie and the twins. But I would have been completely lost without her. I couldn't even be mad because I know that if somehow I manage to drag Stiles, Isaac, and Allison to a different earth, I would tell any lie, keep any information if it meant they were safe. I would have done the same thing.

"Oh god. Please say something. Yell, scream, cry. Anything is better than nothing."

I lifted my head so I was looking right into her eyes. "You didn't tell me because you thought it was safer for Lottie and the twins, right?"

She let go of a breath but I didn't look anywhere other than Cait's eyes, "Yeah. I thought that if they can't remember then I just need to become part of this world, in a sense. That way we would all be a little safer." I thought for a moment again. "Oh come on, you have to be mad at me. Scream, turn, do something!" She nearly screamed the word 'something.'

"I'm not mad. I wanna be. I wanna be pissed." I paused taking a step closer to Cait, "BUt I can't be. Not when I know I would have done the same thing." And it was the truth, no way in hell was I allowed to get mad if I would have done the same thing.

But still something in my gut was flying as I looked at her.

Caitlin gave me half a smile, "You can stay here for the night. I'll go sleep in Lottie's room."

She turned away about to leave till I grabbed her arm. "Cait wait." I pulled her back, something about it turning her back around. I didn't miss a beat pressing my lips to her's. It felt amazing. Any negative thoughts in my mind melting away. The only thing that mattered was her. I wasn't really sure what prompted me to kiss her, but god I wouldn't change it.

Until she pulled back, springing away from me. Muttering 'no' over and over again.

"Cait, what's wrong?" Maybe it wasn't the right thing to say, but I wanted to know.

Her back was towards me as she started to stumble out words, "You-you and Allison. And one day I'm-I'll have to leave. We can't do this." Her voice was shaking as I took another step to her, till her back was almost against me.

"Right now I don't care about anything else. AnyOne else. No other girl is in my head. And I never. Never. Want to think about you leaving." It was true every word of it. Even just the thought of watching Cait go made me shatter, but she was here, right now, and that's what I need to focus on.

For a moment nothing happened. Then Cait turned back around, placing her arms around my neck as she kissed me again. She ran her hand through my hair, my hands resting just below her waist. Cait jumped wrapping her legs around my waist, not changing anything else.

I couldn't tell which one of us pressed farther and farther into the kiss. Maybe both. It sent wave after wave of pulsar through me and I knew that if I opened my eyes they would be red.

I only pulled back when Cait started to pull at the shoulders of my jacket. "Are you sure about this?" I could hardly hear myself, and I could hardly breath.

Cait's eyes seemed to glow a silver as I looked into them. Shining they way her blood did when it fell to the ground at the distillery. "Yeah." 

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