I Swear to God

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Chapter Five : I Swear to God

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Chapter Five : I Swear to God

Ethan Aiden and I stood in the loft. There was on sign of Derek or Peter anywhere. "Okay start talking. Why did you say my name before you freaked?" Aiden asked, crossing his arms.

"What do you remember before breaking me out of my cell?"

"You told me how I die." I stay silent, "You told me it seemed like five months away. Caitlin five months became two months."

"I know that Aiden! I don't think you guys get it. Right now the oni are peaceful because the person controlling them is peaceful. That little five behind your ear. That's a good thing. It means you are yourself. No one is controlling your body. It's when that mark isn't left that we should be scared."

"And Allison?" Ethan asked, seeming to take what I said to heart.

"I will find a way to save both Allison and you, Aiden."

Aiden sighed, "That's not a promise you can make."

"I can try." With that I grabbed my bag from the table and stormed out of the room.


"Scott what is that?" I heard Allison's voice as I rounded a corner. I saw Scott and her sitting at a picnic table. Scott had a red jornal in his hands. My jornal, "I mean you seem to have it a lot, so what is it?" She pestered on sticking a spoon of ice cream in her mouth.

Scott looked up from my jornal, "Just something my Dad gave me." Just then the twins came and sat down at the table. "The two of you gonna be doing this all day?"

"All day." Aiden starts.

"All night." Ethan finished

"This about being in my pack?"

"This is about you being a target of demonic ninjas." Ethan said causing Scott to stand.

He walked over to me with a straight face, "Oh god."

"Please don't run away again Cait."

"It's just that look on your face."

"Come on we got to meet Stiles."

I nod the two of us turning back to the school. Stiles was inside waiting in front of the chem lab. The halls seemed normal, but I was still self conscious. "Good the two of you made it." Stiles said as we approached turning around to open the door behind him. "Last night at the rave, when I was with Caitlin. Caitlin whose girlfriend was a virgin sacrifice to our english teacher Caitlin. I was holding my key and it started to glow under the blacklight. So then she started talking about phosphors and the key having chemicals on it, right?" I just nod closing the door to the lab behind Scott. "And so that made me think of the chemistry closet and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in..." Stiles paused when he looked at the board. "It's gone."

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