He Is The True Alpha

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Chapter Seven : He Is The True Alpha

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Chapter Seven : He Is The True Alpha

Scott parked the car at the hospital. "You know Cait, you really didn't have to come, I'm just dropping food off for my mom."

"I'm not letting you out of my sight for at least the next 24 hours, after almost dying two days in a row." he mumbles something like 'whatever' as the two of us step out of the car.

The hospital was going crazy. I mean people were bleeding from their gut. At least 20 nurse aids were moving around Melisa McCall included. As soon as we walked in Scott held up the bag of chinese food we brought. "Ah thank god, I'm starving." Mrs. McCall says as she walks up to us. Scott laughs a little and I just bit my lower lip trying not to, seeing as we are still surrounded by people bleeding. "Uhh, I'm sorry. Thank you for bringing me dinner." Melisas say as she hugs her son.

"Everything okay?" Scott asked, pulling back.

"Except for half the accident victims in a ten car pile-up being rerouted here from downtown, and the ER attending not answering any of his pages, yeah I'm okay."

"What does not answering pages mean?" I ask, turning my head up to see better.

"It means no one can find him, so now we have to wait for the on call to get here."

A woman comes up from behind Mrs. McCall, the front of her shirt was stained red from blood, but she was walking fine. "Miss, can I please, kinda, have something for the pain?" She asked.

"Okay, I'm sore, I know, But actually giving you something could complicate things, so we really just need you to wait for the doctor." Melissa moves the woman away.

I look up at Scott. He was biting his lower lip, and squinting. "Ohh no. I know that look. That's the 'Scott McCal Is about to do something and he's not sure if it's a good idea' look."

"What, I don't have a look."

"Oh Scott, sweety you have a look." The respinost says leaning over the desk

"See you sir, have a look."

"Well then you know that I'm going to do it anyway."

"Fair point." Scott starts to walk over to the lady from before. He took a seat next to her as she cried.

"You know I think I read online that sometimes human contact can help with pain." He said slowly reaching over to touch her hand. His veins started to pulse black as they ran up his arm. The woman gasps no longer wincing. Scott looked back at me. All I did was smile.

The doors to the ER opened. Ethan came in holding Danny like a wounded soldier, one arm over his shoulder. "Someone.. SOmeone help me! I need help!" Ethan called as Danny started to fall.

Scott and I race over slowly helping Danny into a chair. "Okay gentle, gentle." Melissa warns as Danny groans. Scott and I pull Ethan aside.

"Okay, start talking. What the HELL do you do to him?" I ask, terrified Ethan gave him the bite.

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