"Are you sure about that?"

My eyes snap back to the mirror when I hear that I voice and that's when I see her. It's her , the redhead version of me , the one who I have come to know as Aurora.

"You." She's right there , replacing my reflection with her own.

"Yes sister it's me and your pain has just began."

As if on cue the familiar ache in my back returns with a vengeance. It immediately brings me to my knees and I cry out as my wings begin moving as if trying to resist the pain. It feels like I don't have control over my body and that I'm fighting some unknown force which seems to be defeating me.

Ronnie just stands before me not knowing what to do. I can see the tears in her eyes as well as the fear. She doesn't move , she just watches me in pain.

I squeeze my eyes shut trying to deal with it somehow but it doesn't seem to help. "Oh make it stop! Please make it stop!" I cry out , feeling my tears escape my closed eyes.

"No one can help you."

I hear her voice even though I refuse to open my eyes and let her see what I'm going through. "Shut up!" I scream.

"It's not worth it, is it? Being an angel will only bring you pain , lots and lots of it."

"Stop talking!"

"Heaven?" Finally Amelia , Nikolina and Cassandra are here , my sisters are here.

"Please help me." I plead.

They all rush to me and get me off the floor. They lay me on my back face down.

"This is really happening." I hear the disbelief in Cassandra's voice.

"When I saw it I thought it was a mistake or something."

"Well it's no mistake." Amelia says. "Her body is rejecting the wings."

"How is this even happening?"

I want to ask what they are talking about but I don't really have the luxury of doing that in this particular moment because I'm still experiencing what seems like the worst kind of pain known to man.

"She's hurting , we need to do something."

"Sisters this has never happened before and she's stronger than us , what if our powers don't work on her?" I don't miss the worry in Cassandra's voice.

"Well for our sister we have to try." They seem to come to some sort of understanding inspite of theirs doubts and reservations. I catch a glimpse of them holding hands and muttering what seems to be a prayer. As if I didn't have enough weird for one day , their eyes change as their are now glowing with blinding. I feel like I should look away but I can't bring myself to do it , watching them like this is mesmerizing. There's light all around them and it's the kind that makes you believe in things like hope and purity. If I ever had doubts about them being Angels there are long gone because now I completely believe.

Moments later I watch as they return to being their normal selves , well the Rosemont kind of normal.
"Did it work?"

Amazingly I feel better , the wings of course are still there but there aren't as irritating as before.

"It worked! Thank the Lord!" Cassandra reads my mind before throwing herself into me. I since , not because I'm in pain but because of her weight on top of me. I already have the wings I don't need another additional weight.

"Cassandra!" Amelia scolds her.

"Sorry." She apologizes before getting off me.

Nikolina helps me sit up straight and I'm grateful for the help because I'm still getting used to the wings and I don't really know how I'm going to move around with them sticking out like that.

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