An update

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August 10 2020

It's been nearly a month and a half since my last entry. Sorry about this! You'll be pleased to know that I've been eating well. I've really started to fill out. My body is starting to feel like a bit more of a chore to move around. For example, when I stand up after sitting/laying it requires more effort. I'm unable to fold forward to touch my toes anymore, as my large gut restricts me. I feel it squish when I bend down to tie my shoes. I actually have to sit down to do this now, it's quite difficult standing. I think I'm starting to get rather chubby... yet I'm still so hungry all the time. Lately I've been eating a lot of donuts and making milkshakes with heavy cream. Like over the course of today I had 3 large shakes, along with food. I've also started eating toast with my breakfast now. I'll often have two large cereal bowls and 2-3 pieces of toast to fill me up. I've really just been eating when I feel like it. I dont have to force it in so much anymore, it just happens.
My job is going really well - I'm enjoying it as I often get to take home food :). However, the walk to and from work is becoming super difficult. I can't remember the last time I didn't feel breathless doing it. I've had to start leaving earlier in the mornings in order to give myself enough time to get there without huffing and puffing.
As for my stomach, it hangs a little more and also protrudes a little more, especially when I'm stuffed or bloated. My arms are gaining mass along with my thighs. I bought some new clothes mid July as some items were starting to feel a bit too snug. So I got new jeans and shorts and a few tops. These new jeans are very comfy and they fit over my hanging gut nicely. I had to nearly wrestle my belly into my old jeans. However, I've kept them as I feel sexy in them with my belly awkwardly restrained by their tight waist band. I feel enormous in them.
There a lots of stretch marks appearing on the side of my belly, I think as a result of it beginning to protrude more.
I've been doing frequent stuffings, where I'll order food and try to eat it all. I just love the feeling of being so full that I'm helpless. I'd like to share a stuffing I did yesterday.
I bought a krispy kreme 12 box of donuts, 4 quarter-pounder burgers, a large fries and a large thickshake. My goal was to eat it all by the end of the day and there was about half the day left when I returned home. I watched a film while packing in the donuts. I ate half of them and paused to start on my shake and a burger. I was feeling comfortably full by the middle of the second burger so I kept going. I ate some of the fried but put the remainder inside the last burger. When I started feeling quite full, I opened a bottle of coke to drink with the rest of the food. I think at this point I had 5 donuts and 1 ½ burgers left. I really tried to cram everything in. When I had about ½ the last burger and 2 donuts left, I began to feel quite ill, so I had to take a break. I ended up taking an hour nap. I guess all that food inside my bulging belly had made me sleepy! When I woke up I was able to finish the donuts and burger. I gulped some soda down afterwards to wash it down. I felt so huge but I kept sipping at the coke to intensify my bloat. I noticed that my gut poked out past my boobs, I was so bloated. I seriously felt like a lead balloon. It was kinda early but I ended up sleeping after that haha. I'd eaten so much in a short space of time.
I better get to sleep now, but I hoped you enjoyed this little update. I will try update more frequently, but we shall see haha. You can rest assured I will still be satisfying my large appetite regardless 😂

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