Heavy cream - day 2 + a request!

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June 4 2020

I had some things to do today so I didn't get to eat a whole lot until I got home. I was feeling hungry for most of the day! I think with the past few days of stuffing myself my belly has gotten used to the idea and now it's so hungry!
It's day 2 of challenging myself with the heavy cream but I didn't have much of the day left so this was super difficult. Plus, I got a request this morning to try eat 5 cans of Pringle's in one sitting... So on my way home, I stopped at the store for Pringle's and Nutella (Thank you for the request, you know who you are!). When I got home, I plonked myself on the couch and started with the Pringle's. I put on some Netflix and snacked, eating 3-4 crisps at a time. I was so hungry because I hadn't eaten since breakfast. They are 165g per can, so five is 825g which is about 1.8lbs (i worked this out after, and I'm surprised at how much i ate!!). I managed to eat the first two cans over one episode of my show. They were beginning to taste a little bland to me, so I poured some heavy cream into a cup and dipped them in there lol. I also had the heavy cream to finish by the end of today anyway. My belly was beginning to feel it halfway through the third tube. The last two I got down more slowly, and I was really struggling by the end. I finished off the fifth one with some encouragement! I was laying on the couch feeling like a pig. I felt very full, but not too bloated. I was so proud of myself for fulfilling the challenge. Five cans is a lot of Pringle's loI! I was then encouraged to eat some Nutella. I ate it until I felt a little sick but managed to fill some gaps in my stomach. I kept trying to take gulps of the cream in between belly rubs, to ensure I could empty the whole pint into my stomach by the time I wanted to sleep. For dinner I made a large amount of creamy pasta, so I have some for tomorrow too. I ate quite late so I had regained some hunger from the Pringle's challenge. My belly was resting on my thighs while I was sitting at my counter eating. For dessert I had some more Nutella and soda. I would have had more for dessert but the heavy whipping cream has really pushed me to my limits. I ended up forcing myself to finish the remainder after dessert. I feel so huge and really heavy with all this cream and pasta inside me. I pushed it all down with some extra soda, as much as I could fit. I then went to weigh myself to assess the damage. I've been a little scared to weigh myself. I weighed 189 lbs 😮 which is a bit more than I thought I'd weigh. I currently feel like a lead balloon lol. Right now I'm in bed with by belly out, still sipping at the soda. I'm taking small sips, trying to fill every possible inch of my incredibly bloated gut. My stomach is not really agreeing with this, otherwise I would be chugging down this soda if I could 😫. It's a bit upset about the heavy cream - it makes me feel a little ill. But I'm able to still sip at this soda, hopefully up until I sleep, to keep my poor distended belly at it's limit. It feels so full and heavy, like it's grounding me to my bed. I feel so helpless, unable to move very far unless I want my stomach to feel upset. But at the same time I feel like I've accomplished so much today, despite not being able to eat much this morning. With every burp I take another sip to fill the new gap in my belly. I'm feeling pretty sleepy and big, so I'll go now. Thank you for reading about my journey over the past few days, I really appreciate the comments I've been getting 😋. I'm definitely on my path to getting bigger and there's no turning back now!

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