My biggest breakfast

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June 10 2020

I was a little lazy this morning, so by the time I got out of bed my stomach was growling for food. I had two large bowls of cereal for breakfast, but I wanted to force another one into my belly to feel more stuffed and bloated. I wasn't quite at my max. after the second bowl. So I filled my bowl up again. It had more cereal and milk than the previous two bowls because I wanted a bit more of a challenge. Afterwards, my belly was very round and bloated from all the milk. I then decided to push myself further by having two pieces of toast. I was able to eat them, but after I felt so full! I had barely been up for an hour and my belly was already achey and stuffed... oops. It was so round and sore I felt like I could hardly move. The swelling in my belly went down over the next 1-2 hours. I decided to examine myself in the mirror after I got out of the shower. I feel like my belly has grown a little. It hasn't been long, but I stuff myself so damn often because I can't resist. My hips have definitely gotten a bit fatter. God I'm going to be huge in no time... even if I wanted too, there's no way I could stop myself eating until My belly is distended at its limit. It just feels too good. My belly hangs a little in front of me. I can jiggle it. I also noticed in the mirror that a double chin is appearing. My thighs are also feeling a little heavier.
Lunch wasn't too eventful but I ate quite a bit but not to my max. I had two large sandwiches and bloated myself my forcing down 1L of chocolate milk as I watched Netflix.
For dinner I was craving pizza so I ordered two large pizzas. On the side I had heavy whipping cream. I felt like such a pig having two pizzas all to myself. I tried to force down as much heavy cream as possible while I ate. Ive only got 4 pieces leftover to eat tomorrow! I managed to cram down nearly two whole large cheese pizzas as well as nearly 1 pint of heavy cream. My belly definitely has stretched. I'm laying in bed incredibly bloated from the cream and stuffed from all that pizza. My belly is sore and achey but I feel so proud of myself for filling my belly with so much fatty food. I feel so huge and lazy. Time for sleep 😴

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