Midnight snack

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Continuing from the last update ...

So it's 12:30am now. I woke up about 40mins ago because I needed to use the restroom. I shouldn't have drank so much soda and fallen asleep right after my dinner and dessert stuffing. I wanted to get back to sleep but my stomach lead me to the kitchen... I ate some more pasta I scoffed down a piece of bread piled thick with Nutella. So now I've already made a dent in my second jar. I feel like such a pig, I couldn't resist. I even got it around my mouth. I felt a bit of pressure to get the Nutella into my belly, as I knew a certain someone wanted me too today. And I thought that eating more food would make up for my lack of it earlier in the day, and it also feels so good to sleep with a stuffed belly. I filled the remaining gaps in my belly with some chocolate milk. Now I'm so bloated once again, my belly straining a bit against my top. Dairy sits so heavy in my poor belly. My breath is a little short. I just can't help it. I'm laying here right now rubbing it. Poor thing. Am I overdoing it?? 😬

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