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June 6 2020

I napped for about two hours but my belly was still pretty packed when I woke up. However, some of the bloating had subsided and I was able to move about without feeling like it was weighing me down too much lol. I just can't believe how lazy I've become over the past week. I haven't felt the need to nap in ages! I feel like my main objective of each day is to meet my belly's requests, or punish myself with more food if I fail to meet those requests. My appetite has definitely increased over the past few days and I've noticed a little bit of flab accumulate on my hips. I'm lucky that I get to live alone. If I was still living with my parents it wouldn't be possible to stuff myself so frequently. It would be so hard to hide (I became familiar with this at dinner with them 😂). I don't think they'd be very accepting of my eating habits either... I'll definitely need a job soon though - it's expensive maintaining a stuffed or bloated stomach. I hope to hear back from my interviews soon. I've applied for some positions at nearby cafes and restaurants - I really hope these places offer me a job! I'd be around food all the time (well I guess at the moment I already am lol!). But back to my dinner...
Of course I wasn't feeling too hungry, but I ate the two pieces of pizza leftover from earlier. I knew I needed to eat more than this if I wanted to fall asleep with my belly threatening to burst. I really enjoy this feeling, and spoiler alert, I'm in bed writing this now and I've achieved this state. So after the pizza, I cooked up a bit of a stir fry. I kept adding stuff so I ended up with quite a lot of food - oops. I knew I wasn't going to be able to eat much of it, but I filled up a large bowl (it looked about 1lbs worth) for myself and sat there watching Netflix, eating it slowly. I got really full, but I tried so hard to push myself. When I couldn't take another bite, I just sat here with the bowl in front of me watching my show and crammed in mouthfuls when I felt like I could. I sat here for over an hour just stuffing myself as much as I could bare. I'm still sitting here now and I'm finally done. My bowl is empty. I feel as I did last night at my family dinner. Big,  uncomfortable, stuffed to my limit and helpless. My belly is under a lot of tension - it's hard and hurts to poke. I'm such a pig and my appetite is growing... I'm already thinking about what I'm going to eat tomorrow. I did want to have some ice cream tonight but this stuffing has overridden my ice cream craving. Maybe I'll have to eat a whole tub along with my breakfast tomorrow as punishment for skipping dessert tonight... My belly really hurts so I'm going to go lay down and rub it in hopes to relieve this pressure. I want to visit the food store tomorrow so if you have any suggestions for my shopping list please comment and let me know 😛.

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