Overeating yet again...

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June 6 2020

I woke up pretty late this morning. I guess I had a very large food baby to sleep off that I obtained at dinner last night 🐷. Unfortunately, I really didn't feel like eating until about 1pm. But by then, my belly was begging for food. It was quite literally rumbling! Of course, I couldn't deny it's demand for a big food gorge. I set myself a little challenge - to order a large cheese pizza and to finish the chocolate milk (I had about 1L left) before it was en route for delivery. So I ordered and heated up the pork bun while I gulped down my chocolate milk. Pressure began to build almost immediately in my belly - it bloats up nicely in response to chocolate milk. I ate the pork bun when I'd drank half of the milk, so that my stomach wouldn't feel upset. I managed to finish the rest of the milk before the driver with my pizza began driving, so I was very proud of myself for this! At this point, I felt comfortably full and quite bloated. I had to burp by pressing on my stomach to prepare for my pizza. There was not a lot of room in my belly but I wanted to eat as much as I could. I'd been waiting all day to be round and full once again. My pizza was delivered and I felt a bit subconscious with my belly pressed against my shirt when I answered the door. To eat the pizza, I laid back on the couch to allow my belly the space it needed. I had already felt so huge, but then I had this pizza to eat! I sat there and pigged put on the couch. I began to struggle a little at the third piece, so I had to slow down. I paused to rub my poor belly and I also retrieved some soda. I hoped it would help the pizza to go down as well as bloating me. I ate six pieces but then had to stop for a bit. There was only two left but my stomach was so full, I needed to at least wait a bit. I think the coke bloated me more than I expected, filling every inch of my painfully stuffed belly. It's not even night yet and barely dinner time, but I'm in bed rubbing it and Im so stuffed that it's not helping. I'll save the rest of the pizza for a late dinner. I'm going to try nap now, to sleep this off so that I can get some dinner in me later. Before I go, I'd like to say, I've feeling much heavier and lazy since I started this diary. It's either because I'm keeping myself very stuffed most of the time, or because I may be gaining a few pounds. I'm feeling a lot better about myself recently - I didn't realise how freeing it was to not be constantly worried about my weight all the time. And now I don't have to worry at all because I've accepted the fact that I love feeling full and stuffed to my limits and that I'm going to pack on pounds as a result. It makes me feel a bit out of control but I like that, my desire to eat getting the better of me. Let me know what you think in the comments? I'll see you in my next entry! 🐖

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