Another day of pushing myself - oops!

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2 June 2020

When I woke up my belly felt really empty despite yesterday's stuffings. I immediately craved the feeling of a full stomach once again, so I ended up having two large bowls of cereal for breakfast. I thought that yesterday I was feeling a bit different and that today I would maybe not want to stuff or eat much. But that was definitely not the case lol. Feeling bloated by the milk once again turned me on. I've decided I want to really challenge myself. I want to try reach my belly's limit everyday. I ended up going to the store after my bloating subsided a bit (I feel quite subconscious at the thought of my belly being big and stuffed in public). I'll share my shopping list with you:

- three cartons of heavy whipping cream (1 pint each)
- 2L chocolate milk.
- more chocolate ice cream (two tubs 🐷)
- Chinese pork buns (1 pack of six)
- some pasta
- more oreos
- a range of sodas so that I'm stocked up

I also could not help but grab a few chocolate bars from the checkout. I felt pretty guilty and self conscious of other people there seeing what I was buying, but this feeling left as soon as I got home.
I got the three cream cartons because I'm going to challenge myself to consume one per day starting tomorrow, as I saw a friend later today. The thought of stuffing myself with heavy whipping cream sounds so good. My belly will feel so heavy and solid and full. I was excited when I got home so I started snacking. I finished the oreos and soda from last night and dig into the new pack of oreos. I ended up drinking half of one of my new sodas. My belly was starting to feel pretty distended and airy, so I had to stop myself because I had a friend coming round soon 😬. I made myself burp a lot to release some tension but I still looked quite large. So I decided to wear a hoodie to cover the damage. My friend thankfully did not notice and I was able to hide my bloatedness from her. We hung out for quite a while and I was hungry by the time she left. It was not quite time for dinner but I heated up two pork buns and ate them while I watched Netflix. They were so good that I could not resist going back for more. I ended up eating five of them, so nearly a whole packet! I felt really full. I thought about skipping dinner but I thought it would be better to punish myself for snacking before. I ordered takeout - 1 large cheese pizza. When it arrived, I was already a bit bloated from drinking soda. I had gotten thirsty waiting - whoops! I ate as much of the pizza as I could, pacing myself. I really wanted to just scarf the entire thing down as fast as I could, but I knew I'd be able to fit more in if I went slower. There are three pieces left over that I didn't think I could get down without feeling really sick. I hadn't had any ice cream today yet so I nibbled at some while watching Netflix. I'm such a pig. Today was crazy. I think I really do want to gain. I'm laying in bed right now feeling so stuffed and so satisfied with all I've eaten today. My belly is so heavy and hard. I better sleep off this big food baby. I'm so tired from eating. An early night for me.

My Weight Gain DiaryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang