Bleeding Heart Part 27: "Storm Of Pain"

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Jeon Somi POV:

I'm still in my room crying hard. It's raining heavily now. I don't know how to feel right now. It is a concoction of heartbreak, anger, regret, anxiety, and shame all rolled into one. *Why should I feel this way?!* *Did I do something wrong!?* *Hyunjin please get out of my head!* *I need to sleep, I'm tired!* *Let me sleep please!* "Aaaarrgghhh!" *slowly sit on the edge of my bed and hold my chest because of too much pain* *drink water* *stands up* "I think I need some fresh air." *walks toward the front patio*

At The Patio:

*shivers* "It's so cold, why is it still raining?" "It's been raining for 2 hours." *mumbles* "Are you now sympathetic on my grief?" *talking to the rain* *What could I have done to prevent it?* *Why did this happen!?* *Am I not good enough!?* *Why did you do it!?* *takes a deep breath and looks forward* *shook when I still see Hyunjin's bike* *Why is he still here?!* *eyes widened when I saw him sitting on the sidewalk totally soaked because of the heavy rain* *hears him talking to himself*

Hyunjin: *cracked tone* "Mimi please talk to me!" "I'm so sorry!" "You just misunderstood everything." "Please let me explain." "I'm not gonna leave here." *trembling because of the cold*

*puts my hand over my mouth* *tears start to fall again* *Omg!* *What are you doing JinJin?!* *my body starts to tremble* *What should I do?!* *I need to tell Mommy!* *quickly runs toward my parents' room while crying*

In My Parents' Room:

Daddy: *yelling* "How dare he show his face here?!" "I trusted him so much!" "Now look what he's done to Somi!" *mad tone*

Mommy: *shocked* "Hey that's enough, you nearly killed him!" *worried tone* "Look, he's still our closest family friend, why don't you let him explain himself?" *trying to convince him*

Daddy: *gets even more angry* "Explain?!" *scoffs* *looks at Mommy with a sarcastic expression* "There's no explanation needed for that." "Me and Somi saw it with our own eyes!" *look away and clenches his fist*

Mommy: *sighs heavily* "Hey, listen to me." *looks into his eyes* "He's also a human, he can make mistakes." "Like me, like you, like us, he also deserves a second chance to explain himself." "Nobody's perfect." *soft tone*

Daddy: *sad tone* "But he hurt our daughter!" *low tone and looks down* "The mistake he's done is unforgivable." *irritated tone*

Mommy: *sighs again* "What do you think would've happened if I didn't let you explain before?" "Do you think we're like this now hmmm?" "If I didn't let you?" *takes a deep breath* "I'm not saying this to make you feel guilty, I'm saying this to make you realize that nobody's perfect." *soft tone*

Daddy: *sighs heavily* "Yeah, you have a point." "I'm sorry for being so rude." "I'm just only angry awhile ago." *sad tone and looks down*

Mommy: *smiles weakly* "It's ok." "You don't have to say sorry to me, but for Hyunjin you have to." *sighs heavily*

*listens to their conversation* *knocks on the door harshly* "Mommy!" "Daddy!" "I have something important to tell you!" "Please open the door!" *shout while still knocking*

Mommy: *shocked* "Wait baby I'm coming!" *shouts back* *opens the door* "Hey baby what's wrong?" *worried tone*

*worried tone* "It's about Hyunjin Mommy!" *burst out crying* "He's still outside!" "A-And his body is now totally soaked because of the rain Mommy!" *feels so guilty*

My Parents: *shook*

Daddy: *approaches us when he hears me talking about Hyunjin* *remembers again what Hyunjin did to me earlier* "So what do you care Somi?!" *mad tone*

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