Bleeding Heart Part 21: "Time To Step Aside"

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Jeon Somi POV:

After that episode, things have gotten so much better. Our love is stronger than ever and we never doubt each other anymore. We both realize our love for one another and trust in our relationship completely. We were able to fool Adam and keep our relationship a secret. He believed me when I said I had a crush on someone else and said he'd survive his broken heart. But I'm not gonna lie, he is truly a gentleman. I think I would've fallen for him if I didn't have Hyunjin. (Just kidding, never! Calm down.) Anyways, it's Halloween now. I've dressed up as Elsa from "Frozen". Hyunjin and I decided to have a couples' costume, but to avoid revealing ourselves, the only down side is that we can't trick or treat together. We're both each going with our own group of friends. As Elsa doesn't have a special someone, Hyunjin dressed up as Jack Frost from "Rise of the Guardians" because we both ship them together and both characters are very much alike. (I mean there are already tons of pictures of both characters getting married and having a kid.)

At Hyunjin's House:

*approaches Hyunjin* "What do you think JinJin?" *does a spin* *I hope he likes it.*

Hyunjin: *jaw drops* "Beautiful!" *kisses my hand*

*blushes* *Only this boy can make me feel this way.*

Hyunjin: *chuckles* "How do I look babygirl?" *winks at me*

*giggles* "Very handsome JinJin." *serious tone* "Are you going out with any girls tonight? *looks at him sternly*

Hyunjin: *chuckles* "No Mimi, just my main group of guy friends." *reassuring tone*

*Phew..thank goodness.* "Good." *smiles*

Hyunjin: *smirks at me* "Why?" "Are you jealous huh?" *teasing tone*

*stammers* "U-Uh n-no.." "Of course not." "Why would I be?" *trying to be cool*

Hyunjin: *stares at me closely* "Are you sure?" *raises his eyebrow at me cheekily*

*sighs deeply* "Ugh..fine!" "Yes!" "You're too handsome!" "So many girls will fall head over heels with you." *looks down*

Hyunjin: *calm tone* "Hey, look at me." *cups my face* "I belong to you only ok?" "I'm all yours Mimi." "Don't worry about other girls, you're still the prettiest to me." *rubs my hands to calm me down*

*smiles weakly* "Ok..." *nods slowly*

Hyunjin: *suddenly turns serious* "And also, do you think I'm not worried about you?" "You're so beautiful with that dress!" "You're gonna impress all the boys." "Plus, you're going with a guy friend." *pouts*

*Aww, how is so cute?!* "Don't worry mahal, I've known him for ages." "He's like a little brother to me only." "Plus, I'm already yours, so what's there to be worried about?" *clings to his arm*

Hyunjin: *sighs* "Ok." "Just be careful alright?" *firm tone*

*giggles* "I will." *kisses his cheek*

Hyunjin: *smiles brightly* "Aww..come here you." *pulls me close and hugs me*

" *pulls me close and hugs me*

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