Bleeding Heart Part 13: "The End"

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Jeon Somi POV:

I was too shocked to even move. I never expected this to happen. All my happiness just faded. Breakups, no matter how they're done or who does them, I know are never a pleasant experience. Whether they're healthy or out of the blue, both parties involved are typically left feeling alone and vulnerable in the end. However, I didn't think Hyunjin would ever say this to me.

*shook*"J-JinJin are you serious?" "W-What are you saying?!" *cracked tone*

Hyunjin: *sighs* "Exactly what I said, it's over." *coldly said* "And if you're smart, you'll forget I exist." *frowns at me*

*crying* "W-What?!" "W-Why!?" "Did I do something wrong?!" "If I did, tell me and I'll fix it!" "Just please don't leave me!" *hugs him tightly*

Hyunjin: *pushes me away* "I realized I don't love you anymore and more realistically, confused my feelings for love in the first place." *looks at me blankly*

*heartbroken* "!" "Why?!" "But, all of our moments together, none of that was real?!" *Please tell me this is not happening!*

Hyunjin: *blank tone* "I thought it was, but I thought wrong." *looks down*

I had never felt so betrayed. There were no two ways around it, heartbreak sucks. That numb ache in your stomach, feeling like you're going to throw up, going back and forth between feeling nothing at all and being unable to stop crying. That was exactly how I felt. It was like my entire world was crumbling beneath me.

Hyunjin: *sighs* "Tell your parents my sincere apologizes, but I have to listen to my heart." "Somi, you're nice, you'll find someone who can give you the love you deserve." "So, pack your things, my dad will drive you home." *tries to gesture me back to his room*

Now, I was mad at this boy. I never wanted to see him again. I felt so much anger toward him. How could he give up so easily? How could he not find a reason to stay? "You will end up alone." "I don't love you, I'll never love you again, and I see no future with you." *glares at him*

Hyunjin: *looks at me shocked* "I-I hope you don't mean that." *stammers*

*looks at him seriously* "Remember Hyunjin, I never lie." *coldly said* "No one will ever love you, how could they?" "You deserve to be alone." *genuinely said*

Hyunjin: *tears form*

*Pfft, crying now already?* "At least I'm a good person." "I hope if you ever ever ever even see me again, I hope I'm already dead." *mad tone*

Hyunjin: *grabs my arm* "W-Wait..S-Somi-" *cracked tone*

*pulls my arm away* "I don't have time for you Hyunjin." "Goodbye forever." *cold tone* *walks away but then stops*

Hyunjin: *gasps* *Is she coming back?!* *hopeful when I was coming back*

*I need to do something important first.* "Wait..." *slaps him hard* "I realized my value when I dated you." "You can't afford me." "You were part of my self-hate phase." *crying out of anger*

Hyunjin: *sobs* "Hold on Mimi please-" *gets cut off*

*Shut up Hyunjin!* 'Your mother and father must be so disappointed." "I pity the next girl, that is if you ever get another one." *cold tone*

Hyunjin: *glares at me* "How dare you say that to me!" *yells*

*yells back louder* "I have a right to!" "Even the fantasy girl you have in your head would never even want you." "You know how I know?" "Cause you told me I was your fantasy girl." "Trust me, no one can make someone like you happy." *disgusted tone*

Bleeding HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora