Bleeding Heart Part 7: "Have No Choice"

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Hwang Hyunjin POV:

I really screwed up today. I feel so guilty. Somi was supposed to surprise me by seeing me after school, and all I gave her was a hurtful shock. But before you get mad at me, Ava's just a friend, I swear. Some of our classmates were bullying her today, so I wanted to give her some nice words of encouragement. I didn't expect for her to kiss me or hug me. I just didn't want to hurt her feelings. *Gosh, I shouldn't be making excuses.* *It's my fault, plus I'm not the one suffering.* *I shouldn't have used those pick-up lines.* I don't want to give Ava any hopes, but I don't want to shut her out either. And...Somi's the only girl I love.

*ashamed tone* "Baby..." "Mimi wait for me." *runs after Somi*

Somi: *ignores me and walks faster*

*panting* "Mimi wait!" *Gosh, this girl is tiny, but as fast as a cat.* *Guess I can't blame her.* *She's mad and hurt right now.* *She does that have that right as my girlfriend.* "Somi please wait for me." *walk faster*

Somi: *I hear him calling my name, but I am just too hurt right now.* *continues to ignore me*

"Babygirl.." *runs fast and holds her hand*

Somi: *shakes her hand aggressively* "What do you want Hyunjin?!" *looks at me angrily*

*flinch for a second* *Dang, she is really angry.* *Stupid Hyunjin, why did you have to say those sweet words to Ava?* *Now look what you did, you awoke the tiger.*

Somi: *coldly* "If you don't have anything to say then let me go!" "I wanna go home." *snatches her hand back and walks toward my mom and Auntie Cecil*

*sigh* *It's totally fair for her to get mad at me.* *It's because of my previous actions.* *I have to apologize.* *I hate myself for hurting her, how could I do that to my baby?* *Mimi, I'm so sorry, I'll do anything for you to forgive me.*

Somi: *walking towards my mom and Auntie Cecil*

Auntie Cecil: *concerned tone* "What's wrong anak?"

Somi: "Let's go home." *says coldly*

*approached them* "Wait Auntie Cecil, may I talk to her for a moment please?" *I need to talk to her alone.*

Auntie Cecil: *nods* "Yes of course Hyunjin." *smiles*

*bows slightly* "Thank you." *pulls Somi aside*

Mom: "I think they had an argument." *chuckles*

Auntie Cecil: *laughs* "These two really..." "Relationship drama already." *shakes head*

*stands in front of Somi* "Mimi please~."

Somi: *cold tone* "Get out of the way Hyunjin, I want to go." *looks down*

*guilty* "Mimi please forgive me...I'm really really sorry." "Please don't leave me." "I shouldn't have done that." "Please forgive me." *sincere tone*

Somi: *didn't respond*

*sighs sadly* "At least let me explain." "I was just trying to cheer Ava up and make her happy." "Because our classmates were bullying her and I didn't want her to feel bad." "But she's just a friend, I promise you." "I should've known better than to talk to her like that, but you don't have to be jealous of her." "There's no reason why you should be." "You mean so much to me and I feel like such an idiot for putting all of that in jeopardy." "I'm never going to do anything stupid like that again." *smiles weakly*

Somi: *I can feel the pleading and sadness, but I'm still hurt.* *I don't know what to do.* *stays silent*

* *stays silent*

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