Bleeding Heart Part 4: "Just A Dream"

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Author POV:

After dinner, Hyunjin pulled Somi into his room while the parents watched TV. Somi thought they were just gonna play on Hyunjin's Xbox, but when he locked the door with a serious expression, Somi become nervous.

Somi: *a little nervous* "JinJin, are you alright?"

Hyunjin: "Uh.." *breathes* "Mimi, I need to tell you something...important." *stares at her*

Somi: *stammers* "JinJin you're scaring me." *scared*

Hyunjin: *Ok, just be true to your feelings.* "So there's this girl, she's beautiful, funny, she has a great personality." "And guess what?" "She's right next to me." *smiles sweetly*

Somi: *shook*

Hyunjin: *holds both her hands* *looks and stares into her eyes* "Mimi, I'll just give it to you straight." "I really like you-no, I love you." "You're my dream girl." "We've known each other for two months, but I already know you are my future." "The very first time I saw you, I fell under your spell, the more I get to know you, the more I adore you." "Forgive me for breaking into your life, I had no business there, but I couldn't resist." "So, what will you sentence me to?" *Omg..I did it.* *nervous* *braces for the worst*

Somi: *shocked* *speechless* * this really happening?!* *He loves me?!* *Is this not just a dream?!* *If I'm asleep, don't wake me up.* "J-JinJin..."

Hyunjin: *calm tone* "Hey, it's ok if you don't like me back." "I understand you." *smiles weakly*

Somi: *a little louder* "JinJin."

Hyunjin: *sincere tone* "I just needed to get that off my-"

Somi: *This boy really..* *shouts* "JinJin!"

Hyunjin: *Woah, she's so scary.* "O-Oh s-sorry Mimi. Go ahead." *a little scared*

Somi: *sighs* "You are a very handsome and nice person Hyunjin and I don't know how to explain it, but I want to be with you all the time." "You make me laugh, and you make me feel good, in short, I think I have feelings for you too." *blushes cheekily*

Hyunjin: *surprised* *Am I dreaming right now?!* *I thought this could only happen in my dreams!* "R-Really?!" "Mimi are you serious?!"

Somi: *giggles* "Remember this JinJin, I never lie, even if I wanted to." *smiles sweetly*

Hyunjin: *ecstatic* "Yes!" "Jeon Somi's mine now!" *picks her up and spins her around*

Jeon Somi POV:

"Ahh!" *laughs* "JinJin put me down!" *I'm so happy right now!* *Thank you Lord for sending this boy into my life. I'll love him forever!*

Hyunjin: *puts me down* "So, you wanna tell our parents?" "I'm sure they will be happy for us!" *smiles*

*shy* "Uh..yeah, but can we keep this sort of 'relationship' between us and our parents only please?" "Because we're still so young and..." *looks down*

Hyunjin: *Aww..she's a deep thinker.* "Yeah, don't worry Mimi." "I understand." "They won't know about us." "I promise." "We'll tell them about us when we get older ok?" *lifts my chin up to look at him*

*stares at him lovingly* "Ok JinJin, thank you." *smiles* *I'm falling even more deeper in love with this boy.* *He's so respectful and sensitive, and protects me all the time.* *I will never regret my "yes" to him and I will never take it back."

Hyunjin: *chuckles* "Good girl." *pulls my forehead towards his* "C'mon let's go tell our parents." *holds my hand and we walk down*

Mom: "Hey guys." "What's up?" *curious*

*takes a deep breath* "Mommy, me and Hyunjin need to tell you something." *shy and nervous*

Tito Armando: "Hey kiddo, did you do it?" "Success?" *looks at JinJin*

*surprised* "You planned this already?" *raises one eyebrow at JinJin*

Hyunjin: *nervous* "No, not like that Mimi." "I just asked him for advice." *reassuring tone*

*shy* "Can you say it to them please?" *does my iconic puppy eyes*

Hyunjin: *Omg, how can I resist her?!* "Yeah sure." "So, mom, dad, Auntie Cecil, Uncle Ralph, we really love you, and we don't want to make you mad." "Also, we really want to be honest with you about our lives." "We both have intimate feelings for each other and well..." *sighs and looks down."

Mom: *chuckles* "We know Hyunjin." "Your parents already told me and Uncle Ralph." "We accept your relationship." "But just know you're still young, so you have to be responsible and know your boundaries." "If this makes you both happy, we won't stop you, but please keep it a secret and subtle ok?"

Hyunjin: *nods* "Yes Auntie Cecil." "Thank you." *smiles*

*I love my mommy right now!* "Thank you mommy." *hugs and kisses her cheek*

Dad: "Hey Hyunjin, I know you're a good boy." "You better take care of my daughter ok?" "Our daughter has been well-loved and well-protected her entire life." "She is coming to you pure and with a good reputation." "If you two should end your relationship at some point, we expect you to return her to us in the same condition in which you received her." "If I ever hear you hurt her, I won't hesitate to take her from you." "Understand?"

Hyunjin: *nods* "Yes Uncle Ralph." "Don't worry, I will never ever hurt her." "I love her so much." *sincere tone*

Dad: *smiles* "Good, now come here." *hugs Hyunjin*

*I love my daddy right now too!* "Thank you daddy." *hugs and kisses his cheek*

Tita Chesa: "The same applies for us too Somi." "We accept your relationship too." "Just be careful and tell us if Hyunjin is hurting you ok?" *winks at me*

*smiles brightly* "Yes Tita, I will." "Thank you." *hugs her*

Tito Armando: "I sure have a beautiful daughter-in-law." *laughs*

Hyungjin: "Dad!" *pouts*

*giggles* *I already want to spend the rest of my life with him.* *I love this family and I want to be a part of it.*

Mom: *chuckles* "C'mon anak, it's late na." "We should go now." "Say bye now." "See you in the car." "Let's go now." "Bye!" *hugs Hyunjin's parents and pulls my dad*

*sighs* "Alright, I gotta go now." "Bye JinJin." *hugs him tightly* *about to leave*

Hyunjin: "Ah!" "Where's my goodbye kiss?" "You're not gonna leave." *backhugs me*

*rolls my eyes* "Fine

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*rolls my eyes* "Fine." *turns around and kisses his cheek* "Happy?"

Hyunjin: *happy tone* "Yes!" "Now bye babygirl." *winks at me*

*sweet tone* "Bye mahal!" *blows a flying kiss*

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