PCK Chapter 6 Part 3! :D

Start from the beginning

I placed one of my hands on his cheek.  He closed his eyes and I rubbed his cheek with my thumb.  I moved my hand from his cheek to the back of his neck.  I played with the hair that surrounded my hand.  "Max, you are the greatest person in the world," I stated.  As far as I was concerned, what I just said was true.

He opened his eyes and smiled warmly at me.  I could see the teasing in his eyes before he started to talk.  "I wish I could have you, but it looks like Nick beat me to the punch."

Oh, Nick.  "He's a creep, and he's really cocky," I said, rolling my eyes.

"You like him.  I can tell.  When you got back, you looked at little too happy for your own good.  What happened?"  Max was 100% serious now.  He loved to gossip about guys with me.

"He, uh, well, we bumped into each other at the park then he gave me a ride home.  That's it."  For some reason, I didn't want to tell him about the kiss.

"Uh huh, yeah sure.  You can stop lying whenever you want."

I grasped his hair a little tighter in my hand.  "No, really, he just dropped me off."

"By the death grip you have on my hair, I know you're lying.  Just tell me, Rufus.  I could never be mad at you."  He pulled my hand from his hair and kissed it.  "Plus, my lady, you know what the punishment is for treason."  His awful British accent made me laugh, but I returned it with my own.

"Oh, but Sir Moore, I don't know what the punishment is."  We both laughed a bit.

"I will ask you once more, my lady.  Why were you grinning like a bloody fool when you stepped out of that hob knocker's carriage?"  He squinted his eyes to look menacing, but neither of us could hold in our giggles.

I pulled my hand from his and pretended to zip my lips.

"Fine, if that is the path you choose.  Now for your punishment, Lady Cast."  He sent me an evil grin.  In seconds he had pushed me off him and onto my back.  He straddled my waist and looked down at me.  His eyes gleamed with revenge.

My eyes widened immediately.  "No, please don't! Ma-"

He cut me off when he started tickling my sides.  He knew how ticklish I was and rarely used it against me.  His fingers moved from my side to my belly.  I was laughing so hard it hurt.  Tears were rolling down my face and I couldn't breathe.  "Fine!" I wheezed.  "I'll," Gasp. "Tell you!"

He stopped and we both regained our breathing.  "He kissed me," I said when I could finally breathe normally.

"Oh."  At first I thought Max looked a little stunned, but then he turned into the girl he could be.  "Well, I want all the details!" he squealed.

"He said that we wouldn't be able to do it for a long time in the future, so we had to do it right then.  I tried to refuse, but he was just so cute.  He gets this little crease in between his eyes when he begs, and I was like it's just a kiss.  It couldn't hurt.  He pulled me in, but stopped right in front of my lips so I pressed mine to his.  I pulled back after a second and he got a little mad.  I got out before he could say anything else."  I said.  A gleam started to form in Max's eyes and I knew what was coming next.  You see, Max was a romantic at heart.  He believed in love at first sight and all that stuff.  I, on the other hand, was starting to doubt the existence of love outside of friendship and family.

"Aw, that is so sweet.  What do you think he meant when he said he wouldn't be able to do it for a long time?"  He was almost jumping up and down.

"I don't know," I stated honestly.

"Hey!"  Max's face dropped a little and his brows furrowed together.  "You just kissed me and then you go and kiss someone else?  I thought we had something, Kye."

I just realized that Max was still sitting on my waist and I was lying under him.  His hands were on either side of my head and he was leaning in close to my face.  "His kiss was different than yours."  I closed my eyes and a picture of Nick popped into my mind.  Max was warm and familiar.  Just like his kiss.  Nick was hot and dangerous.  Every time we touched, electric shot through my blood and jump started my heart.  His kiss seemed like it should be off limits.  It felt like I was breaking rules just by looking at him and thinking about it.

"Was it?  Well, can you tell me who's a better kisser?" Max asked.

I opened my eyes and Max was so close to my face.  A cocky smile fell onto his lips, and I flushed a little.  A rueful smile spread across my lips after a moment.  "He is."


"Max dinner is-.  Holy! Guys what are you doing?"  Our eyes shot to the opened door and saw Max's mother standing there wide eyed.  Her jaw was on the floor.

I shoved out from under Max's body.  I got as far away from him as possible and brought my knees to my chest.  I wrapped my arms around them, trying to become invisible.

Max rolled onto his back and laughed.  "Aw come on mom.  You should be happy you caught me with a girl."

"I am so sorry.  It wasn't what you think, Mrs. Moore," I told his mother in a small voice.  Her mouth was still open a little, but her eyes returned to normal.

"I don't even want to know.  Dinner is on the table."  With that she turned and walked down the stairs. 

I hit Max in the arm.  "What the heck was that about?"  I was shocked about what he had said.

"Chill, I was just kidding.  Did you see the look on her face?"  He was laughing again.  "Did you see the look on your face?"

I hit him again.  "How am I supposed to see my own face?" I asked.  His mom just caught us in a questionable position, and he was laughing.  I could have died from embarrassment.

"Here, I'll reenact it for you."  He made a face, and in spite of myself, I laughed.

"Shut up," I said, in between fits of laughter.  "Let's go eat so we can go to bed and this day can be over," I sighed after we finished laughing.  Max always knew how to make me feel better.

"Agreed," Max said.  He pulled me off the bed and dragged me out of his room.

"I wonder who our sub is for Mrs. Anderson," I said, walking down the stairs.

"We'll find out soon enough, Rufus," Max said, and we sat down to eat.

Well, this was supposed to be more fun.  I hope you guys liked it.  I realize that I typed my note's at like 3 last night, so they might not have made sense.  Sorry if they didnt.  Interesting stuff is coming soon. >:D  So, I cant get over Max.  I honestly love him.  I suppose I fail at getting people to like Nick.  Oh well.  Just to let you guys know, the steelers will be playing the jets in the play offs.  GO STEELERS! :D  Any who, VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!! Please.  Oh, and I am really surprise at how many times this has been read.  I know its not that much, but I didnt even dream of this many fans and reads and comments.  You guys are incredible.  Anyways, leave me a comment telling me if you liked this chap.

Also, leave predictions!  I want to know what you guys think is going to happen at school tomorrow.  COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT, VOTE! :l --> :D

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