Well now that I think of it, I didn't build up my courage to tell her, it just accidentally came out. But it doesn't matter how I did it, because the outcome was amazing. I would have never thought she would actually say it back! God I love her, she's perfect for me.

Yesterday, after the picnic we hung out with her family and then slept over at my house. It was great because we got to spend some time with my mom and dad. Even Greg and Denise spend the evening with us. We had a great time, we ate, played some board games and just talked about everything. I even told Greg about me and Vicky. He was happy for me and told me that I should take her out when we get back to London so I am going to plan a very special date for her.

I looked over at Victoria; she was sleeping with her head resting on my shoulder. I looked down at her long and thick eyelashes. She's so beautiful. I want to make her mine and I want the whole world to know about us so no one can take her away from me.

I am sort of glad that we are heading back home now. Tyler can't come in between us anymore or run into us in the streets of Mullingar 'by accident'.

I don't like that guy at all; he mde me feel like some sort of Hollywood-brat. He thinks that he can insult me just like that but I'm a human just like him and when he mocks me and talks some sh*t about me it really upsets me.

I could tell he tried to get Victoria away from me. I can't believe he has the guts to ask her to get back together with him after what he did. That's awful. I would never do anything like that to Vicky. She deserves to be treated like a princess.

*Victoria's P.O.V.*

"Vicky, love, wake up." Someone said softly and shook me. I fluttered my eyes open and took in my surroundings. I was in an airplane. The person talking to me was Niall. Oh that's right, I'm going home! Well not home, but London which is my new home.

I can't wait to see Jessie! I feel so bad, I only called her once the whole time I was there. And I'll see the boys too, which is nice. I'm looking forward to spending more time with them, they are truly amazing people and so fun to hang out with. Trust me, you would never be bored when they are around.

"We're landing in 20 minutes." Niall informed.

"Cool, then you should have woken me up in 19 minutes." I muttered and closed my eyes again. I still have enough time for a quick nap.

"I'm sorry babe, I just thought I'd wake you up now. I'm pretty bored." He said.

My stomach erupted with butterflies when he called me 'babe'. I mean, he has called me that our whole lives but now it just felt sort of different. It had a totally different meaning now. A much bigger meaning.

"And why is that my problem? Oh wait it's isn't. And now if you don't let me sleep I will cut your balls off in your sleep." I threatened.

His eyes widened out of fear and he instantly shut up. Sometimes it's fun to mess with him a bit.

20 minutes went by pretty fast even though I didn't fall asleep anymore. We grabbed our bags and headed towards the exit. Harry texted me saying that they are picking us up.

We spotted them hiding behind a corner and rushed over.

I ran over to Jessie and squaled. I was so happy to see her. I wrapped her in a hug and of course, she didn't hug me back. She just stood there with her arms crossed over her chest before I let go and she relaxed again.

"I missed you so much!" I said.

"Well I was just happy that I finally got to spend some time without you. Living with an ugly face like that is like a full-time job. Hard and exhausting. Honestly I didn't miss you at all." She teased which made me laugh.

And of course this didn't hurt me at all this is just what we always do. This is who we are.

I then noticed that Niall had already greeted everyone.

"Liam!" I smiled and hugged him. Niall then hugged Jessie and she hugged him back. Bit*h.

"Glad to have you back." He said.

"It's so nice to see you guys." I said and hugged Nate. It was great how well he fit in in this group.

I then moved onto Zayn and gave him a quick hug.

When I pulled away, I saw that Harry and Louis were just standing there, because everyone else were hugging or lost in conversation with each other.

"Louiiis!" Harry cried theatrically and wrapped him in a hug.

"Harrreehh!" Louis fake-sobbed against Harry's shoulder.

This made everyone fall into hysterics and we laughed like a bunch of retarded seals.

When they stopped fooling around I greeted Louis with a hug.

When we pulled away, Harry grinned:" Am I not going to get a hug?"

"Of course you will. I just saved the best for the last." I smirked and opened my arms in a hug.

Harry wrapped me in a hug and surprised me by lifting me of the ground. I let out a little scream and he put me back down.

He mocked my scream and I hit him in the chest playfully. He tapped my nose and smiled with his dimple popping out. I find his dimple absolutely adorable. I love dimples.

"Uhm can we go home now, I'm exhausted." Niall said awkwardly so I moved further apart from Harry. I don't want to make Niall mad.

The second we stepped out of the airport doors, dozens of flashes started going off everywhere. The lights were blinding me and I thought I would lose my eye-sight for good.

Niall wrapped an arm around me and told me to keep my head down. The paparazzi were shouting a lot of things and asking about rumours and stuff. Some of them even asked about me and if I'm Niall's girlfriend. Well let's just say that I would love to be but I'm not. Not yet anyway. When all of us were finally inside the van I relaxed a bit. Wow. That was overwhelming. How can they put up with that every single day where ever they go?

First they dropped me and Jessie at our house. I thanked the driver and said:" I'll see you soon guys."

Niall kissed my cheek and said that he would text me tonight which made me smile. He's so adorable and sweet.

We got out of the van and vawed at them as they drove off. It's good to be back home.


Hey I'm so sorry but for a while now I will be extremely busy with school and I have a ton of work to do but I'll try to do my best to update as often as possible.

Thank you for reading xx

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