I nodded and said, "Fine. Don't leave me with Louis, Zayn and Liam for too long though. You know what I'm like. I will take your bags for you as well." She laughed at my comment and hugged me. I was concerned for Niall, however, I was also concerned for Isla.

I know everyone in the band thinks she was special, but if they spent enough time with her, they would fall deeply in love with her. I watched her go then led the others to my car and took them back to the hotel.

Niall's P.O.V

Isla came running back and jumped into the chair next to me. Sometimes she looked like a 13 year old. Lots of people say the same about me. Ha. "What were you doing?" I asked as she got comfy.

She smiled at me. "I told Harry to bugger off and take my sisters with him back to the hotel. He took all our bags as well." I smiled at her and hugged her. She was amazing. "Fancy ditching this airport and walking to the nearest café and then we can talk about what is wrong." She said. She grabbed my hand and tugged me away.

We found a café about a mile away from the airport. Before we reached there I made Isla stop so I could buy some vodka. When we finally reached the café it started to rain.

I went to go inside but she said she would rather sit out under a covered table. She likes the rain. "Alright, I will go and order. What do you want?" I asked. She said, "A double expresso, black with 1 sugar." I looked at her with huge eyes. All she said was, "I need something to keep me up tonight." We both giggled and I went to order.

The waitor said he would bring the drinks out to us, but I stayed in there as said I would take them out. I figured I would give Isla some time alone.

When I got back out Isla was asleep, or I assumed she was. She was curled up on her chair with her arms around her legs and her face burried in her knee's. "Hey babe. Wake up." I said softly, putting her drink down on the table.

She slowly lifted her head and I saw she had red puffy eyes and tear stains on her cheeks. "Oh babe. What's wrong?" I said. I went over to her and sat down.

I pulled her onto my lap as she started to sob again. "Th-this i-is why-y you don't-t leave m-me t-to think about th-things!" She said sniffiling.

"What was you thinking about? C'mon, you know you can tell me?" I was begging. I couldn't stand to see her like this.

"I.. was thinking... about... mum and dad..." .She said between sobs and started balling again. The only thing I could think about doing was taking her back to Liam at the hotel.

Isla's P.O.V

"Hey. You know what. I think I can tell you what was wrong with me tomorrow. Right now, lets get back and surprise Liam. Then you can talk to him about your parents. Sound good?" I nodded. I really needed to see him. Liam was always lingering in the back of my mind.

Niall got up and offered, "You want a piggy back?"

I started laughing like crazy and answered him, "I think your the one who will need it. Short stuff." I pecked his cheek and we started walking back to the hotel. It had stopped raining and was a beautiful night and that is why we walked.

Whilst we were walking I asked Niall, "Hey. Do you still have that vodka or have you drunken it?" He went in his hoodie pocket and fished it out.

"Have it." He said. "You need it more than me I think." I mouthed the words 'thank you' and took the bottle.

By the time we reached the hotel I had finished the bottle and thrown it away. It made me feel a bit better. We walked into the lobby and over to the elevator.

Whilst we were going up about 100 floors I looked at my watch. "Holy shit Niall. It's 1am. We have been out for ages."

He unlocked his phone and chuckled. "Has Harry called you 34 time too?" I stared at him blankly. I told Harry we would only be out for and hour or 2, not all freaking night!

"No. He's called me 69 times." I said checking my phone. Niall burst out laughing. I punched his arm. "Childish much?" I asked but it was hard to hold back my laughing.

We reached the top floor and saw the door to my appartment open. "I wonder what's going on." I said pulling Niall to my room.

When we reached it I saw Lexi, Scarlett, Brook, Harry and Paul sat on the sofa. "Are we having a sleep over?" Niall screamed jumping on Paul's lap.

I whipered to him, "Get off him. I don't think that's a very good idea. He looks pissed. Niall get off!" But it was no use.

Then Paul spoke up. "Where have 2 been?" He was really stressed. I managed to pull Niall back to my side.

"I'm sorry Paul. I made Niall chase me back to the hotel. I wasn't in a good mood and he wouldn't let me go alone." Harry winked at me signaling that he hadn't told Paul anything.

But Paul looked even more pissed. "Quinn. You just lied to me." I looked at him in full confusion. "Niall wouldn't chase you for miles. You must have been fine. Just call next time, alright?" He said. Phew!

"Alright Pauly. I'm sorry." I said and gave him a hug to piss him off even more. It worked! Niall and Harry laughed at me.

When I finally managed to get rid of Harry and Niall, Scarlett and Lexi went to their room. I love sharing room with my oldest sister.

"What if something happened Isla?" She was really seroius.

"Nothing would have happened Brooke. Stop worrying." She gaveme daggers and sighed.

"Nothing happened tonight. But what if something had of happened. What would I have done with myself knowing I left you alone then I never saw you again." Tears started running down her cheeks and threatened to flow down mine, but I swallowed them back.

"I'm sorry Brooke. I should have rang." And there went the tears. She grabbed me and hugged me really tight. We were both sobbing in each others arms.

"Don't worry. Just call next time." I nodded and wiped away my tears.

Then I asked her, "Can I go suprise Liam now?" She gave me a smiled and nudged me towards the door.

"Tell me all about it in the morning." I nodded to her and started walking down the hall.

I turned and said, "I prmoise. If I don't come back I'm spending the night with Liam." She nodded and blew me a kiss. I returned the favour and she went into her room.

Complications (One Direction/Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now