Chapter 45: Redoing the Lookout/FINAL CHAPTER

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EXPLICIT STUFF: clean final chapter :)

Omg guys thanks so much for reading this stupid book of mine! :) it was so crappy in the beginning, and in the end, but i think it was all worth it. I'm just... Wow nearly 6k views? Thanks so much for reading my shitty book cx. Anyways, my sequel for this story will be posted ASAP. If you want a character, just asked me and i'll add you. :) First Chapter of the sequel is out now! :D check my profile and go to my works to read it! :) thanks for sticking with me and the pups on the journey of Campus Life!!!!!!!

Rocky pov

"I'm pregnant." She said, making us all equally surprised. Marshall fainted and we all understood why, it would be too much to take. Well after all i did have the same experience when Everest was pregnant herself. "Wow, congratulations!" I said as i hugged my childhood friend. She smiled and returned the friendly hug. "So are you going to keep the pups?" Spots asked.

"Yes, yes i will keep them." Gaby said with a sight chuckle. Chase helped Marshall up and he shook his head around. "Guys, i just had a dream where Gaby was pregnant, it was so weird!" He cried as he walked around in circles. "Uh, Marshall, that wasn't a dream." Skye pointed out. Marshall gasped and he fainted again. "Great, sis, you made Marshall faint again. Nice job, that wasn't the first time you made someone faint." Cindy argued.

"Pups, no need to get upset, this is great news to hear Gaby's pregnant." Ryder examined as he walked into the scene. "I guess your right." We all said in unison. Ryder took a big yawn and said. "We had a long day, we should probably get some shut eye and tomorrow we'll redo the lookout."

"Ok!" we all replied. Katie giggled and Ryder chuckled. "Where's Ryder gonna sleep?" Rubble asked.

"Ryder's sleeping here." Katie said with a strange huge smile on her face. "Ok." He said as we yawned. "Looks like you all are tired too, you should all get some sleep." Ryder said as he entered a room, probably the room where he's gonna sleep. "Yeah, let's go pups." I said as we walked out of the clinic.

Next day...

I woke up alongside Everest and the puppies. I got up and stretched as i yawned. I looked at Everest and saw she was sleeping peacefully. I looked at the window and saw the sun shinning threw the curtains. I hopped off the bed and opened the curtains, making the room brighter. I opened the window and took a deep breath of the fresh Adventure Bay air.

"Man do i love living here." I whispered to myself as i looked at my right. There i saw Chase also enjoying the view. "Hey Chase!" I said, getting his attention. "Hey Rocky." He replied. I entered back in, i laughed because i cut the conversation short. I think laughed a bit too hard and woke up Everest. "What's so funny?" She asked softly.

"Nothing, but good morning." I said as she yawned. "Morning." She replied. I remembered today we were supposed to help Ryder redo the lookout. "What's for breakfast?" She asked as she gently scooted the pups. "Maybe Ryder has something prepared for us all over at Katie's." I told her as i got the basket for the pups.

"Yeah we should probably go check." Everest said as we slowly and gently set the pups down on the basket. "Let's go." I said as i put on a bucket hat and Everest put on her beret.

At the clinic...

"Thanks for the breakfast, Katie." Ryder said as we all finished the delicious meal. "No problem." Katie said with a smile. Ryder and the rest of us got up and Rubble burped. "Excuse me." He said, making the rest of us laugh. "So to the lookout?" Gaby asked. "To the lookout!" We all shouted with joy.

At the lookout (4 hrs later)....

"Well we did it, made it just like the first day." Ryder said as we looked in awe at the lookout and all the new trucks for everyone. "Now, time to make your positions official." Ryder said as he took out 14 collars and uniforms. "Hooray!" We all cried. Ryder put on each collar and uniform on each of us, one-by-one.

"What are our jobs?" The 7 newest members asked. "Just you wait." Ryder said with a smirk. Ryder took out two new uniforms, but not for pups. Katie came in the scene while she was holding hands with Alex, they're like brother and sister really. "Katie and Alex, you two will be assisting me on training the pups! I can't handle 14 pups alone, so i need all your help!" He said as he handed the both of them their uniforms.

Alex's jaw dropped as he admired his official PAW Patrol vest. Katie put her's on, it was like Ryder's but only it was pink. Alex happily took the vest and put it on with excitement, his was blue. "Is grandpa okay with this?" Alex asked him. Ryder nodded as he answered. "I asked him and he said that'll keep you busy and active, also helping the community around here."

"Wow i can't believe the PAW Patrol has grown so much." Katie said as she hugged Ryder. "I can't either." Ryder replied as they pulled away. "So, how about we play some pup pup boogie before a mission?" Ryder suggested, before we could even answer Ryder's pup pad rang. He answered and he said his usual greeting.

Ryder: hello, Ryder here.

Mayor Goodway: Ryder, chickaletta and i were on a hike and she fell on the cliff and now she's stuck on a branch!

Ryder: Uh oh, that's no place to be hanging around.

As the mayor showed Ryder Chickaletta, the branch broke a little, spooking the poor chicken.

Mayor Goodway: this is a disaster!

Ryder: don't worry Mayor Goodway, no job is too big,
No pup is too small!

Ryder hung up and he looked us. "Pups, you all know what to do." He said as he ran towards the lookout. "What do we do?" Alan asked. The original 7 chuckled and Everest said. "Follow us." I grabbed the basket and i carried it for Everest. We ran towards the elevator and Everest stayed in the play room with the pups as everyone, but Marshall, went inside the elevator. "Here i come!" He said, bringing nostalgic memories.

He crashed into everyone in the elevator and he chuckled nervously. "Just like the ol' days." He said as we went up the elevator. We didn't change, because we were already suited up, and we went back up to the main room. We filed up in order like before. We saw all 3 leaders, Katie, Ryder, and Alex. "Thanks for rushing over, pups." Ryder said the giant screen came down.

"You all know what happened, Chickaletta is stuck in a weak branch and could break any minute!" He cried. "For this mission i'll need- Marshall and Spots."

"A brother team? How cool!" Alex said in awe. "You two will try and reach Chickaletta yourselves, try going gentle for she's seriously spooked." Ryder told the Dalmatians. "I'm fired up!" They both said in unison. Ryder then scrolled to Skye's badge and tapped it. "Skye, if Spots and Marshall can't reach chickaletta, then you come in and reach her from your harness." He said.

"Yippie! This pups gotta fly!" She said as she did her classic backflip since forever. "Then Rex and Rubble, if boulders are in the way i need you both to clear them away. Rubble, try to move them first. If that doesn't work, Rex, break them." Ryder said to the English Bulldogs. "Rubble on the double." Rubble cried. "Rex on the uh... I don't know." He said, making us all laugh. "The rest of you, standby, i may need you." Ryder said as he got ready to leave.

"Alright, PAW Patrol is on a roll!" Ryder said as him, Alex, and Katie ran towards the fire men's pole while we howled.

Marshall pov

I rode down the slide with all the pups that were called out. I jumped into my truck as Spots came along with me. The firetruck was fully transformed and off we went as the sirens went off like before. "Ready little bro?" I asked as we drove away from the lookout, with the other pups behind us and the leaders in front of us. "You bet i am." He cried as we raced on.

As we passed by the bridge i saw Cap'n Turbot on his boat. As the wind blew across my face i smirked and enjoyed the fresh air. I accelerated as we zoomed towards big view trail, it's good to be back.


Paw Patrol: Campus Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें