Chapter 36: Freshpups? I think not! Wait what?!

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(This chapter is short but trust me the next couple of chapters will be epic!)

The pups are barely arriving at Rocky's apartment, they are ready to party to celebrate the pups completing freshmen year! (Short chapter sorry)

Rocky pov

"Everest, i'll watch the pups ok." I told her as i set down the basket in my room. "Thanks Rocky." Everest said with relief. I nodded and i gave her a quick kiss. I watched the kids, man were they little!

Rubble pov

I sat down on Rocky's couch and his couch really soft! When we all sat down, there was a knock on the door. "Ugh, someone go get it." Marshall said as he put his arm over Gaby. "I'll get it." Everest said as she got up from her spot. She went towards the door and she opened it.

"Hey Everest!" I heard a pup say. I went to check who it was and it was another husky that looked like Everest. "Oh my gosh, Crystal is that you?!" She said to the pup. The pup nodded and they gave each other a hug. "Who's that over there?" Everest asked as Crystal looked back. " i don't know." Crystal replied.

"Is Rubble here?" I heard some pup ask. Everest nodded and i came out of my seat. "Hey, nice to see you again brother." The pup said. I was in total shock to see it who was. "Rex?! I thought mom and dad sent you over to Miami?" I said as we gave each other a bro hug. "They were going to." Rex said as he came in.

"Oh wow, looks like everyone has an old friend or sibling here." Alan says with a chuckle. "Yeah, lol." Kevin added.

Rocky pov

I was playing around with Rocky Jr as the other pups were sleeping. As i was playing with Rocky Jr the window crashed open. When i saw who it was it was my dad! "What's this?" He asked with a smirk in his face. I shot an angry face at him and i said. "They're my children, and i'll be a better than you ever would to them too! I won't beat them everyday and feed them scraps like you did to me!"

"Your too young to have kids, child." He said as he crept closer. I set Rocky Jr on the basket and i felt my drug kick in, i was feeling stronger now. "I don't care." I replied as i growled. He took out a needle and said. "You don't have to either." I tackled him down and he dropped the mysterious needle. I bit his neck and he kicked me off towards the wall.

"You still think you can kill me?! Hahahaha! You're funny Rocky!" He mocked as i crashed onto the floor. He got the needle again and when i ran towards him, he dodged my tackle and he stopped me on my tracks. He injected me with the needle and i felt weaker instantly. "Wow what was that for?!" I shouted as i fell on the floor.

"You helped me test my drug, now i know it works, i just took my drug back." He replied as he got another needle out. He smirked as he got it out and showed it to me. He then jabbed it on to my skin and before he put in my body he said. "Now, lights out."

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