Chapter 34: Is it time already?!

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EXPLICIT STUFF: clean chapter :)

1 week has passed and Everest has finally told Rocky to come over for something real important. Let's see what happens...

Rocky pov

I walked towards Everest's apartment and i took a deep breath. "I wonder why she called me over now..." I said to myself as i knocked on her door. When she opened the door she appeared skinner than the last time i saw her. "Hey Rocky..." She said shyly. "Hey Everest, what is that you wanted to show me?" I asked her as i walked in.

"Something really important, that you might want to see." She said as she closed the door behind me. She signaled me to take a seat, and so i took a seat on her couch. "And what is that?" I asked. She opened a door and she came out with a basket. "What's inside?" I asked as she came closer. She grinned at me, something she hasn't done in a while.

When she showed me the basket, they were 3 pups. One with white fur like Everest, one with more of a darkish color of fur that looked like Everest as well, and a grey on that looked similar to me... "Are these?" I asked. She nodded and handed me the basket. I accepted the basket and there i saw the pups, my pups.

"Wow, i can't believe we're so young and yet we already have pups..." I stated as i touched the pup that looked like me. "Yeah, i sort of feel like a slut now..." Everest said with an upset attitude. "Hey, don't feel that way. Because your definitely not a slut at all, Everest." I told her. She actually put on a surprised face.

"Wow... After all i've done to you, you still compliment me..." She said with shock in her eyes. I nodded and told her. "Being a mean pup isn't exactly me, so i forgive you for all the shit you said to me." She smiled at me and she looked at the pups alongside me. "They're pretty cute, right?" She asked.

"Cute? Haha! They're adorable!" I said with a chuckle. She smiled even more and she picked up the white furred pup. "Here, hold her, her name is Molly." Everest said as she offered me the puppy. Molly had a grey collar on. She was small and looked exactly like Everest, only she was purely white on her fur. She seemed like she would be an out going and bubbly pup when she grows up to be older, which really made me happy. I looked on to her sky blue eyes and i saw my reflection...

Wait?! My reflection hasn't changed?! I still look like my dad, how, i killed him?! "Uh, Everest?" I said nervously. She scooted closer to me and she said. "What's up?" I handed Molly back to Everest and said. "I think my dad is still alive, i saw his reflection on Molly's eyes and not mine." She gave a confused look as she put the puppy back in the basket.

"How? You're Rocky, and you look nothing like your dad. Your dad is a mean old drunkie manic." Everest said with a worried tone. She got the black furred pup out. "Don't worry, probably your just overwhelmed with the new pups. Now, this here is Shadow, i named him like that because... Well... His fur basically hehe." She told me.

I got the puppy and saw he had a black collar on, hiding in his fur. Saw his eyes were a yellowish color and he was a bit softer than Molly was. He appeared more calmed than, appealing outgoing, Molly. He seemed pretty nice from his caring eyes but the natural bang he has on his left eye, you would estimate he would most likely be goth or emo when he grows up. "Wow, we really did make some cute pups." I said with a smile.

"You really think so?" Everest said with a smile, smiling back at me. I nodded and i handed her Shadow back. She joyfully got the cute pup and she put him back in the straw basket. She took out the puppy that looked rather similar to me and pretty cute too, if i do say so myself. She handed him to me and i accepted the little pup.

He seemed shy, kind, and also with a little bit of cheerfulness. He also had the innocent puppy eyes, He also had the same eye color as me. He had a white collar that brightly stood out from his fur. I looked at his eyes and there i still saw my own reflection. When he yawned i just felt warm inside, i'm really happy Everest and i made this choice.

"They can't talk?" I asked Everest. She shook her head and said. "Not yet that is, we have to teach them soon though." I gave the pup back to Everest and i asked. "What is that pup's name?" She put him back in the basket as she turned around and said. "Which pup are you referring to, Rocky?"

"To the one who looks like me." I replied. She smiled and she rested her head on my shoulder. I was sort of shocked she did that, i didn't even get my question answered either. "His name is Rocky Jr. I named him after you..." She said sweetly. I felt the same feeling i had when we had our first date. "Everest." I said.

She looked up at me and said. "Yeah?" I looked down at her and said. "I love you..." She smiled and said. "I love you too." I got her check with my left paw and held her paw with my right paw. Then i leaned on towards her and like an instant i kissed her, i felt the same exact feeling of my first kiss that i ever had with her.

Finally... She loves me again.

A/N: The kiss was based off of my actual first kiss! :D the only difference was instead of paws they were hands and i used my left to move the hair she had on that side to her ear and i did hold her right hand too. So anyways, we're getting to the super good parts! Also skyeXchase4ever your character will appear next chapter, sorry for the late arrival! I just wanted to make it have sense with the story. Anyways thanks for reading, like always!

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