Chapter 41: Revenge is Awesome

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Well guys, only 5 chapters are left and that is officially it! This is only book 1 and book 2's first chapter is finished! I'm only waiting for Campus Life to be done and the new story will be born! :D well thanks for reading! But anyways... Onwards to the story that you all love :)!

Rocky pov

When i turned around to see who entered i saw them enter. Jackson's robots had them tied up in a not and i don't see my pups anywhere! "Ah, i was expecting you all to arrive eventually." Jackson said with an evil smirk. "Shut up!" Kevin shouted in response. I don't know why but i sort of laughed as he told him to shut up. "Knock him out." Jackson ordered.

"Huh?" Kevin said as the robot got out a metal paddle. The robot hit him behind his head and he knocked down. "Take him to the punishment room." He ordered again. The robot nodded and out he went to another room. "Jackson, why are you doing this?" My dad, rusty, said. He only chuckled in response.

"Jorge, take him to the sparring room." He ordered once again. The robot flew away to a room with glass, possibly so we can see it all happen. "Today, the pups who aren't knocked out already, will face against me in a fight." Jackson said with pride. "Every. Single. One." He finished as he sat on a hovering chair. The chair took him to the sparring room and the other robots, who had the others, went with him.

A robot opened the cage and he tied me up like the others and took me with them. There, we were forced to watch them fight.

Rusty pov

The robot my son built threw me on the floor. When i looked up i saw a pokemon-looking sparring area. On the other side i saw Jackson on a hovering chair. "Are you ready, daddy?" He asked mockingly. I growled and he hopped off of the chair. The seat went away to some known location. He clenched his teeth and had his tail up, along with his hair. He showed off his sharp teeth as i did same.

"TIME TO DIE!" He yelled as he sprinted towards me. I took position and as he sprang up into the air. I dropped and i rolled to my left and he missed me. He got back up and shot at me, he bit me on the neck. "Do you now wish you supported me?" He shouted as he clenched on. "N-No!" I shouted back as i kicked him off of me with my hind legs.

He landed perfectly on the dirt as he stopped his fall with his claws. I got up and he sprinted at me again. He pushed me to the near edge and he smirked. "Good-bye, dad." He said. "Wait!" I said before he pushed me into the unknown. I shouted as i fell down the weird abyss. I landed and then i only saw darkness.

Spots pov

"Give me the Dalmatian, now." He commanded as he robots brought me in. They tossed me on the floor and a cloud of dust jumped out as i landed on the ground. "Ready." He said. I shrugged and then, before i could do anything, he got my extra skin and punched my jaw. He threw me to the ground and pinned me. "You think this a game?" He said, making me curious.

"No?" I answered. He punched me and then clawed my face, making me yelp in the unbearable pain. "Do you now?" He asked. I nodded and said. "Yes, i think it's a game!" He got me by the collar and tightened it. I held on to it, as i tried to make it loose while i was being strangled. "You stupid ass pup, should've sticked with no." He said as he threw me towards the glass, i didn't even lay a paw on him.

When i hit the glass the blood from my nose splattered on the glass, spooking the other pups. I fell on the floor i felt dizzy i just laid down and took a rest...

Chase pov

"Bring me the young German Shepherd." He said as i saw Spots fall in exhaustion. The robots tossed me in the same way they threw Spots. "Ready or not, here i come." He said, referring to the game hide-and-seek. He leaped at me and as he came closer i jumped at him and i dropped him on the ground. I used his own strength against himself and made the fall harder than it should be.

He grunted and he clawed my chest and then punched it. I bit his front left leg and he just punched my jaw, making me let go. He threw me off real quick and he kicked me off towards the same dark area Rusty fell in. "Ready to die next?" He said with a smirk. I spit on his face and it got in his eyes and i punched his mouth, making a cut on his lip.

"Bastard!" He said as he tightened my collar like he did to Spots, who must be dead due to suffocation by now. I tossed him off of me and i loosened my collar. Before he got back up, i tackled him down and i punched his eye and then his jaw again. I nearly gave him a black eye but he got me and threw me on the glass, like he did to Spots.

The blood i had on my nose went on the glass but i stayed up and ran towards him again. "Prop time!" I heard suddenly. Then out popped a broken bottle and me and Jackson ran for it. He quickly got the bottle and cut my chest with it. I bit his paw and he dropped the bottle and i got it and i slashed at his neck but he quickly dodged it and knocked it off.

It broke as it fell but he punched my face 3 times before i kicked his chest and threw him across the field. He grabbed my neck and returned the attack and then clawed my chest, where the bottle cut. I felt finished, damn Jackson was a true fighter. He got me by te collar and threw me on the glass again. As i fell down, a stream a blood went down with it. I fainted before i even got on the ground.

Rocky pov

I saw as Chase fell on the ground. I suddenly heard something go 'ding' and i looked up to see some kind of board. It said-

1. Marshall ✖️
2. Kevin ✖️
3. Spots ✖️
4. Chase ✖️
5. Crystal
6. Cindy
7. Skye
8. Everest
9. Alan
10. Zuma
11. Rubble
12. Rex
13. Gaby
14. Rocky

I thought to myself. "This could take awhile."

Scene change (Rocky's badge)

Gaby pov

I was really sore, i at least hit him 3 or 4 times. "Prop time!" The PA said and a wrench popped out. I got it and i struck at him but he quickly jumped up and kicked my face in the air. I spit out blood and i felt dizzy. He got the wrench from me and hit me with it on the head. I then threw up and felt nauseous, and a weird feeling on my stomach. "Gross." He said in disgust as i fell to the ground.

Rocky pov

Gaby acted really weird back there, the same way Everest sort of acted when she was pregnant. But maybe that was just because well i don't know why that is but i was next. A pair of robots came and got Gaby and my dad, my dad was somehow still alive. The robots that had me tied up untied me and threw me inside. I saw Jackson was starting to get tired, if anyone could stop him it's me, i'm our only hope.

"If i win, i get to kill you all by shooting you all." He said with a smirk. I nodded in agreement and i made my part of the deal. "If i win, you get to let us go." He hesitated but he managed to pull off a nod in return. He punched me in the face to start it out. I looked at the pile of my injured friends. I felt sorry and i used that to pump me up.

I quickly jumped up and kicked his head down and clawed his face. I got the wrench from him and i his back with it. He shouted in pain as he threw the wrench out of my grasp and into the abyss. He kicked me off and i landed on my back. I punched him as he got on top of me and i heard. "Prop time!" I guess the robots love the props.

A wooden chair popped out and i reached for it and i broke it on Jackson's head. He fell down and then i clawed his face. I rolled him over to the abyss and threw him in. He shouted as he fell down and then i heard the sound of bones crack. I looked at the injured pups and the robots gave us first aid. "You defeated master, you are now our master." They said as they brought Marshall, Kevin, and my pups in towards me. They got the other pups too and they all started treating them.

As they treated them all and gave me my basket of pups, i was full of relief. "At least your safe." I said with a wide grin. I looked at my friends and saw them slowly wake up again. "Is he dead?" Rex asked as he painfully got up. I smiled and nodded. "Yes, and let me tell you that revenge is AWESOME!"

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