Chapter 12: Second football game

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Hey all! I'm waiting at the airport and i'm bored so i thought why not post a new chapter? Well enjoy, short chapter by the way.

Marshall pov

We were called up the coach to go in and play the game, it was a sunday which really blows. We didn't start in the game exactly today, like i said we were called in.

So Chase had the ball went on an ran it, dodging a couple of defenders. Then he passes it Rocky, who was open for a touchdown. Rocky ran towards and scored the touchdown! 6-0, Seagulls!

We went back on defense, the cheerleading squad doing their usual Seagull cheer. I ran after the pup with the football, but being the klutz i am, i tripped on my own paws again. "Whoa whoaaa!" I shouted. I landed on my face and saw everyone else running to the other side. I couldn't give up yet, so i got up!

I chased after the pup with the ball, who passed it to another before i got to them. Then i went after that pup and i tackled him! He threw the ball before we got it but Zuma caught it before his teammate did! I'm the fastest out if every pup in the team, ironically, just to let you know. Zuma ran the ball too this time but was tackled eventually.

The other team had the ball and they ran it too. Somehow they ran it past everyone else, but they passed it to one another. Surprisingly they made a touchdown like that, i guess there weren't enough defenders in our part. 6-6, they kicked the ball towards the end zone and made it 6-7. We were for now...

Some later after that we got the ball again and we headed for the touchdown, another pup of course. He was going to make it! Then a pup came out of nowhere and tackled him. Luckily i was right behind him, so i leaped for the ball and did the touchdown! 12-7, we could kick ball well me. I kicked it to the end zone and it was off the bar.

Then like 2 minutes later they had the ball now, and ran it of course how else would you get the ball over there. They did the same thing, but like what Chase usually says. Chase was on the case! He intercepted the pass and it landed in my paws!! "W-whoa!" I said as i fell to the ground. I saw what was coming at me, 10 pups coming right for me! "Marshall, run it!" The coach yelled at me.

I got up and quickly ran. I eventually tripped on my paws, again. They still tackled me however and i felt a great pain on my paw. "Ow ow." I said as they all tackled me. They were still on for some reason. "GET OFF ME!" I shouted they all got off and i tried to walk but i only fell to the ground. The ref blew the whistle and had a doctor.

They told me to try and walk. I got up but only fell back down. They brought a stretcher for me to go on so they can carry me out of the game... I hope i only fractured it.

They took me into the school nurse and i guess they started the game again because i heard the whistle blow. They took me in the room and did a small x-ray on my paw. "Yup, you broke it." They told me as the nurse put a cast on my arm.

"How will i get around?" I asked in worry. The doctor just got something from a cabinet and said. "Since Adventure Bay is becoming more 'pup friendly' they invented crutches for dogs." He told me while he got out the crutches he was talking about. Oh boy, this isn't go to be so fun.

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