Chapter 5: Zuma gets stoned

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It was the night after the dance, the pups were happy it was the weekend. The pups were happy that this month turned out to be great! Now we close in to Zuma...
Zuma's POV
last night was gweat, i had fun with some pup i met yesterday, she was a sophomore! Anyways i went to sleep in my house, until 11:17 AM. I whemember Chase, Skye, Whocky, Wubble, and Marshall said they woke up. Chase; 9:57, Skye; 9:46, Whocky; 10:11, Wubble; 10:44, Marshall; 9:52. So i slept the latest? Anyways i went to my kitchen to get some pup tweats.

I was bored and i accidentally knocked over my backpack. When it fell to the gwound some weed came out. I looked at it and squinted my eyes. Hmm... Should i get high?

Rocky's POV
Last night i just kept thinking of Everest, should i text her? She gave me her number i just wish my friends will accept her into the group. She's just so beautiful... I sighed and got off my bed, finally. I walked over to my kitchen and served myself some pup food and sat down on my couch watching: Hello Adventure Bay! Starring the mayor.

It was boring but that was the only channel this damn TV has. So i just watched the mayor show off her pet chicken? She blabbed about her grandpa or something and then started talking about politics and all that mayor stuff. Eventually i got so bored i turned it off and turned on my Xbox-360. Why didn't i think of this earlier?!

I just ate my pup food as i put on Netflix and watched documentaries about recycling, neat! I enjoyed this program way more than the last show i was watching, too bad this stuff only passed in the afternoon. But i just enjoyed the documentary and ate my food, i was chilled out and felt awesome! It suddenly smelled weird... I paused my show and felt my pup food to check it out.

I guess the other pups smelled it too, because 5 of us gathered around and sniffed the air. "Where's Zuma?" Rubbled asked as he sniffed the air, gaging in the process. "I know where the scent is coming from!" Chase said as he followed a trail, or his nose i should say. It was coming from Zuma's apartment? Skye knocked on the door and no one answered. Marshall gasped and asked. "Is his house on fire?! I smell smoke!" I sniffed and he was correct, it smelled like smoke, but why? "You're right, Marshall. It does smell like smoke." Skye added. Chase just opened the door, for some reason it was unlocked. We saw clouds of smoke around the room and Zuma hid something from us.

"Zuma, what's going on here?" I asked. Zuma's eyes looked red, was he crying? He looked around and then said. "Shhh they're here." We were creeped out by what just said, is he insane? "Zuma, what's wrong with you?" Rubble asked as he gave out a whimper. "Hey Rubble... Do you see that the walls were talking?! Don't be s-s-so rude!" Zuma said as he laughed a bit and just nodded. Rubble backed away and hid behind Chase. "Just tell us what's up..." Marshall said as he stepped in his house. "Me too man." He replied.

"I'm officially creeped out." Skye said as she too hid behind Chase. "Me too man." Zuma said again. Chase chuckled and smiled when Skye was behind him. "Don't worry, he's probably drunk?" He told her. Zuma then said the same thing again. "Me too man." Chase couldn't help but laugh that Zuma was saying the exact same thing everytime, no matter what.

"Hey, Rocky. See what's causing this." Chase tells me. Of course, Zuma says the same line again i go inside and investigate. Zuma fell off the couch, i'm not sure why, but i looked under the pillow and saw a weed pipe.. "I think this solves out mystery." I said as i showed the pipe to everyone. Skye took it from me and closely studied it. "I'm gonna have to have some... Uh, research with this." She said as she put it in her pocket. Rubble laughed and then turned on Zuma's fan as he went inside. "Skye we know you're going to do the rest of that later." Rubble said as he stepped back out.

Skye shook her head and giggled. "Haha right, Skye. For research, good one." I joked. All the pups laughed, well most of us anyway. Zuma was on the ground still for some reason. Probably fainted... So i guess Zuma's a stoner...

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