Chapter 42: The Aftermath

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EXPLICIT STUFF: clean chapter

One day has past since the fights with Jackson. Rocky has barely finished rebuilding his Cy-Bark. The other pups are good and Gaby continues to act weird. Let's see how things go. (Really Short chapter, let's go!)

Rocky pov

I wiped the sweat off of my face as i screwed in the last part for Cy-Bark's repair. "Are you done, Rocky?" Everest asked as she came in with our pups. I nodded as Rusty came inside the garage. "Well, i'd say Rocky you have grown to become a fine pup." He said as he stepped in. I ignored him as i programmed Cy-Bark and there, he was finished.

"On." I said happily as i switched the robot pup on. He opened his eyes and there i saw the joyfulness and he stood up. "Better, buddy?" I asked as i smiled. He wagged his tail and sticked his tongue out. "Yes, R! Yes it is!" He cried. I smiled even bigger and i allowed him to go outside and hang out with all the other pups.

"Rocky." I heard Rusty say. "Don't, you can thank me later, i just want to be with my girlfriend and pups right now." I responded with a tired expression. "I've had a long week, i need some alone time with her just please." I added as i pushed my chair in. He sighed and he nodded in agreement, since when did he adore me so much he wanted to talk to me?

"Come on, Everest, let's go." I said as i held the pups on my back, as the days went by so did their age. They can now hear us and see everything, soon they can start talking as well. "I wonder how they'll be when they're older." Everest questioned. I chuckled and nodded. "Probably into great pups." I replied.

We passed by Alan and Zuma, who were sharing memories of Surfing Academy. Then Gaby and Marshall, who were weirdly making out. Chase and Skye, who were also making out. Cindy and Spots, who were just holding paws instead. Wow that spot is like lover's point or something. Then i saw Kevin alone with Crystal, hmm... Strange... Cy-Bark was just playing along with Rex and Rubble as we also passed by them.

Went up the stairs and Everest opened the door. She rested on the couch as i jumped on with her. "Man i can't believe Ryder isn't here." Everest said with a frown. "I'm sure he'll come back some day, just not today." I said as i gently set my pups down. "I hope so..." Everest said as i saw a tear shed from her left eye. "Please don't cry, i promise one day i'll contact him so he can visit someday." I said as i jumped on and hugged her.

"Thank you Rocky." She said as she embraced. I only smiled and nodded as a response. I looked out the clear window as we pulled away. It was Summer, the best season of the year. I sighed gently and remembered... "Rocky, is something wrong?" Everest asked as she wiped a tear. "No, just that Ryder left at this time of year and it's really sad." I responded.

"Yeah, i know." She said as i put my paw on top of hers. I looked into her beautiful eyes and responded. "Maybe soon he can return, maybe some day really really soon."

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