Chapter 35: Building Realtionships

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(Lol the random picture tho!!!!!)

P.S. i_love_wolves_ idk if u want this but i'm going to pm u about something later so just reply... It's a spoiler by the way so... U CANT NOe loll

Gaby is hanging out with Marshall, and Cindy is hanging out with Spots. Let's see how it's all going so far...

Gaby pov

"Hey, Marshall." I said as i walked closer to the charming Dalmatian. "Huh? Oh hey... Uh, Gaby, right?" He said with a chuckle. I smiled and nodded. "I was wondering... Maybe you want to hang out?" I asked him nervously. Spots came out of his apartment that he shares with Marshall.

"Hmm..." Marshall replied, thinking about it i suppose. "Hey guys." Spots said. "I see you two are besties now." Marshall shook his head and i felt rejected... "We're not best friends, that's Chase and you know that." Marshall told Spots. "But i will hang out with you, Gaby." I smiled brightly when Marshall agreed to hang out today, maybe i can confess to him while at it...

"Great, where do you want to go?" I asked him. "I don't really know, how about we go over to Mr. Porter's first then we go to the awesome new arcade they built!" He exclaimed with excitement. I giggled and nodded at his suggestion. "Well, while you two chums go out, i'll be with Cindy. Oh yeah, FYI, she's not my girlfriend so shut up." Spots said as he left towards Skye's apartment.

I always wondered what was up with the damn pup, he's always so... I don't even know anymore, so who cares. Because i mean i know he's Marshall's bro- "So, should we get going?" Marshall said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Oh, yeah, let's go." I replied. He smiled and i smiled back, i was shorter than him so i felt like... I don't know, i think i'm lovestruck right now.

Spots pov

"Sup, Alan." I said as i passed by him and Zuma. "Sup, Spots, what's up?" Alan replied. I stopped so i can keep up a conversation with them. "Nothing much, just about to hang out with Cindy ya know." I replied. Zuma offered me a high five and i accepted it. "What was that for?" I asked with a small chuckle. "For the new girlfriend, dude." Zuma replied, Alan nodded with agreement.

"Aye, i'm not her boyfriend so just shut up." I told them as i walked away, why does everyone think i like Cindy? I only like her as a friend, right... I arrived at Skye's door and i was about to knock until i was interrupted by Rubble. "Where are you going, Spots?" He asked. I gave a 'seriously' look and i answered. "To go see Cindy."

"Cool, well, see you around." Rubble said as he walked away and went downstairs. "Weird." I whispered as i knocked on Skye's door. Skye opened the door and said. "Oh, hey, Spots." I give a small smile to Skye and i saw Cindy as i peeked inside. "Can you call Cindy over?" I asked. Skye nodded and she called Cindy over. "Cindy! Get your ass over here!" Skye yelled.

"Shut up! I'm in the fucking bathroom!" Cindy yelled back. Skye rolled her eyes and yelled. "Well hurry the fuck up, you take like forever damn." I looked up and then down, man was this awkward or what... "Just come in till she's done." Skye said with an annoyed face, hopefully not with me.

Marshall pov

Me and Gaby already got our food that we ordered. I don't know why, but i feel different with her some reason, i never felt this way either. She got a salad and i got a porter burger, my favorite around here. "So, how long have you known Rocky?" Gaby asked me as i took a bite of my burger. "I don't know to be honest." I answered.

She took some of her salad and said. "Oh." I nodded and i took another bite, i'm not really good at talking when i'm eating food so yeah she might feel weird... "Marshall." Gaby said. I swallowed the piece of the burger i had and replied. "Yeah?"

"I... Nevermind i'll tell you later." She said. I took another bite of my burger, the last one, and she took the last bit of her salad. "Alright..." I said with slight disappointment. Once we finished, we left the amount due and a tip for Mr. Porter. "So where to now?" Gaby asked. I shrugged and we kept walking towards where ever.

Spots pov

"Ugh. Skye is so annoying." Cindy said as we went down stairs. "She's really loud too." I added with Cindy's complaint. She nodded and asked. "So where are we headed?" I honestly never thought about that really. Maybe we could go to the beach, or to the awesome new arcade they have, maybe to the pup park my brother has been telling me about.

"How about we go to the arcade?" I suggested as we walked down the street. "Oh my gosh, yes please! I've been dying to go check that place out." Cindy said with a bright grin, which sort of made me bright up as well... "You like the arcade and video games?" I asked the Cockapoo pup. She nodded and that really surprised me. Every time i asked a girl if they like video games, they always call me a nerd.

"I love playing games." She added. "Well, we should go try out the games then, huh?" I asked with a smirk. She nodded in reply and i spotted the new arcade. "Awesome, do you have money?" Cindy asked. I gave her a 'seriously' look and i showed her my wallet. "Whoa, where did you get all this money?" She asked.

"Marshall." I answered, sweet but short answer. "How does he get the money then?" She asked as she handed me back my wallet. I put my wallet away in my pocket and we entered the arcade, it was pretty close to the apartment buildings. "He sells drugs." I answered with shame, Marshall was always the bad pup of the family for some reason.

"Oh well that's bad." She said as i nodded while she said so. "Well let's exchange money for coins!" I told her as i pulled out a twenty and she looked at the bill in awe. "Wow, your so rich!" She commented in awe as i put the money up in the air. "I know." I said as i looked at you all and smirked. "That's right bitches, i'm rich and your not." I told you all with a smirk.

Gaby pov

We went to the beach, something quiet simple to be honest. After this we were gonna go to the pup park, i heard it's fun there. "Would do you look at that." Marshall said with a grin, also directing towards the bay. I looked at the bay and the water looked clean and the sea life looking healthy. "Adventure Bay really is serious to protecting the bay, isn't it." I asked Marshall.

"Yeah, it's what we're well known for. Adventure Bay is well known for the blue footed booby bird and also it's bay, of course." He replied with a smile. I knew today i had to tell him i liked him but i don't know how... I sighed... "Is something wrong?" Marshall asked. I faked a smile and shook my head. "Nah, i'm fine."

"Alright then..." He replied. Yup... Later on today. Maybe... Right now? "Hey Marshall..." I said. He turned towards me and asked. "What is it?" I hesitated but the words managed to come out. "I...

Cindy pov

Me and Spots got lots of tickets already, we're pros at the games already. "Aw we're out of coins." Spots said with a disappointed tone. "That sucks..." I added as we went towards the ticket booth. "What can we trade in our tickets for?" Spots asked the guy running the stand. "How many do you have?" He asked.

"107." I replied. He took out a menu of some sort and he replied. "Nothing right now, sorry." We were bummed out with the reply the man gave us. "I guess we should just keep them for next time." Spots said with a shrug. I nodded in agreement and we left the arcade. "I had a good time with you, Cindy, we should this more often." Spots said as we exited.

"Yes we should, and i had an awesome too." I replied. I smiled at Spots and he smiled back. "Cindy, i have a confession to make." Spots said. "What is it?" I asked the Dalmatian. "I... Um..."

Marshall pov

"I like you Marshall." Gaby told me. I was shocked, Gaby liked me this whole time and not Rocky? "I like you too." I responded. She smiled and i smiled back at her. I held her paw and she rubbed her head on me. I chuckled and she giggled. I suppose i found love after all...

Spots pov

"I like you, Cindy." I told her with a rejection-ready face. Cindy stopped walking and i stopped too. "I know, i know. You don't like me back... Well its fine." I told her with a slight sad tone. "I do like you, Spots." She replied. I surprised to hear those words come out of anyone...

"You do?" I asked. She nodded and an instant i hugged her. She hugged back and when we pulled away our noses touched. I smiled brightly and she giggled. I'm so happy i finally got a girlfriend... Now just time for Marshall to get one...

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