Chapter 22: Chase and Skye get dirty

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(Pretty dirty chapter lol)
Chase and Skye have been dating for a while now. Right now they are currently hanging out at the pup park with all the other pups, it's 4:37, the sunsets at 4:52. Also that's when the sunset over her in California for where i live so yeah, just pointing that out, lol so let's find out what's going to happen between the two!

Skye pov

We all were playing in the park for a while, since 3:51. I know what you're thinking, but the park is for little kids! Well i don't think of that really, it's pretty fun actually. The sunset looked beautiful, i felt great as the wind blew across my face.

I was sitting in the sand next to the slide. I watched as Everest, Zuma, Rocky, Marshall, Rubble, and Chase played football. "Are you sure you don't want to play?" Rocky asked. I shook my head and said. "Nah, i'm gonna pass, i'd rather watch you 6 play."

"Suit yourself." He said as they kept playing some football. They weren't playing tackle football, it's like flag football. But without the flags, it's hard to explain but that's not important really. Watching Chase play was making me want him to fuck me so much...

I watched as Chase pulled off Rocky's flag. "Oh shit, you got me!" Rocky said as he laughed. Rocky threw the ball to Rubble, who was in Chase's team, and they began again...

1 football game later...

It was 5:01, it was already dark out. They barely finished the game. "Let's go, i'm tiwed." Zuma said as he was panting. "I'm gonna go home and take a warm ass shower." Rubble said as he walked towards the apartments. "See you later!" He said.

"See ya." We all said. "We should all get going, actually." Rocky said. "Couldn't agree more." Marshall said as we went back towards our apartments with Rubble. "I don't know about you guys, but after i shower i'm just going to pull an all nighter for Mr. C's homework." Marshall said as we near the apartments.

"Same here, damn does Mr. C give so much fucking work." Rubble said with an angry attitude. "So are you joining Marshall's all nighter?" Everest asked. Rubble nodded and then turned to Marshall. "If that's ok it with you though." He said.

"Oh, sure, the more the better. Anyone else want to pull an all nighter for school work? I mean none of us are passing any of our core classes, expect Everest." Marshall said. Eh, Marshall was right we're not passing our core classes. Either we're too lazy, which is Marshall and Rubble, or it just plain old hard.

"No thanks, i'd rather sleep." Chase said, as he chuckled. "Suit yourself, i'm going." Rocky said as he looked over at school, which is pretty close by. "Yeah, me too, even though i don't have work i'll spend the night." Everest said as she looked at the school too.

"Can we smoke weed? If yes then i'll go." Zuma asked, or his inner stoner i should say. "Sure, that's if any of us have that good stuff." Rubble said. We all looked at Marshall and said. "Alright, i have some, i guess i can share." They then all turned to me for my answer. "Nah, no thanks." I said.

"Alright, to my house!" Rocky said as they all ran to his house, leaving me and Chase behind. "So are you going to your apartment?" He asked me. Honestly, i wanted to go to his apartment and possibly have sex with him. "Uh, i don't know, where are you going?" I asked.

Dumbass, why did i say that, isn't obvious?! "Home, want to come with and watch some T.V?" He asked. I smiled and nodded my head. "Alright, let's go." He said as he opened the door to his house. I hope these walls are sound proof, because Rocky lives next door and everyone else is at Rocky's. His house was dark, so he flipped the switch and turned on his lights.

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