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Amanda's POV.

~2 weeks later~

Jimmy has been ignoring me for the past 2 weeks and I havent left the house every since our small argument. I was sitting on the couch thinking when a knock was at the door. "Manda can you get that? I'm changing jazmines diaper" chandler calls out.

Chandler has been helping me take care of jazmine since I came back home. I stand up and open the door and see jimmy and just leave the door open and walk away to the livingroom.

"Amanda wait please"i hear jimmy say but I just ignore him and sit on the couch. "Why so you can accuse me of cheating again? That shit hurt me jimmy it hurt to know that you think i would say yes to marry you to have a kid with you and fucking live with you for months...you think so low of me when all I did was love you and treat you like the best thing in my life..." i said not looking at him.

"I'm sorry manda please forgive me...i let daniel get in my head I'm sorry i didnt realize that those messages were from a long time ago...i fucked up i know i did but can you please forgive me..please i miss you so much i cant be with out you..." he says sadly.

"I forgive you...but I'm still mad and hurt jimmy you kicked me out the house with OUR daughter and didnt even try stopping us...that could've been the end and you didnt care at all to stop me from leaving.."I say looking down and sniff.

"C-can I see jaz?" He asked looking at me. I nod and keep looking at the floor. "Shes upstairs with chandler" I say softly as he nods and walks upstairs. I wait till I hear the door close and just cry quietly into the blanket I had with me.

Jimmy's pov.

I walk upstairs and into the room with chandler and jaz. Once I close the door I see chandler looking at me. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I came to talk to amanda she let me come up here...i promise" i say before he does anything.

Chandler sighs and nods while handing me a sleeping jaz. "Hi baby..I'm sorry i let you guys leave me it was a horrible think i did...i shouldn't have accused your mommy of cheating. I hate it I broke her and it kills me...

Hopefully I get her to forgive me completely because I cant stand being away from you guys." I say to her softly. Chandler was behind me listening to everything I was saying. "Do you mean that?" He asked looking at me as I nod.

"I mean every single word chan. I hate myself for doing what I did. She was already broken when I met her and I fixed her just to break her again...she said she forgives me but i know she doesnt mean it completely..." i say looking down at jaz.

"I believe you and i promise you just take it slow shell forgive you eventually. She really does love you Jimmy. Shes been telling me that since she got here. She loves you more than you can imagine. You and jazmine are her rock and her life. With out you guys shes a mess Jim. She wont let you go only if you dont met go. Okay."

He said to me as I nod taking in what he said but didnt know amanda was outside the door listening to everything we said. "Her and jaz are my world chandler. Without them I'm lost. Every since I say her tackle you to the floor when she got here I knew I felt something since I saw her. I live her so much and I love jazmine just as much as well."

Just as I finished the door opened and amanda stood there. "I love you so much" was all she said while wiping her face and hugging me tightly. I hugged back just as tight with one arm.

"I'm sorry for everything I said and done to you babe I love you no matter what happens between us. It's just us together as a family. I was a dick for saying what I said and it kills me till this day to know that i hurt you. I'm so sorry" i cry into her shoulder.

"I hear everything and I believe you" was all she said. "Will you move back I'm with me?" I ask looking at her. She looks at me and said "I um.....I....."




















What do you guys think amanda will say? I had to leave you guys off on a cliff hanger! Sorry! Let me know what you think should I end the story soon and start a new story? If I should start a new story Let me know by leaving a comment of which person the story should be about!

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