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Jimmys Pov.

I walk into my guestroom where chandler and Amanda are sleeping and look at them. I'll admit it I'm jealous of them. I really though Amanda had somthing for me but I guess not. I guess I'll just support them and see what happens from there. I walk out their room and go to mine and get changed and walk downstairs to make breakfast as its 10am.

Chris Pov.

I walk into mandas and Chandlers room and yell at them. "ITS TIME TO WAKE UP PEOPLE" just know I got a groan from chandler and a Goodmorning from a happy manda. Confused I say Goodmorning back and walk downstairs with Jimmy.

"Dude manda doesn't have a hangover and it surprises me by the a mouth she drank." I say to jimmy. "Cool." He responds so uniterested  while on his phone. "Who are you texting?" I question. "Oh some guy I've been talking to because he said he know Amanda  ."

I nod and sit down.

Mandas Pov.

I woke up to a yelling Chris. And like always I had no hang over. Unlike chandler who was sitting up holding his head. "I'll get you some pills babe give me a sec. I'm stealing your shirt." I say grabbing his shirt and taking my dress off in front of him to show that I only had a strapless bra on and a black thong.

I notice chandler watching me biting his lip. I smirk and slide on his shirt that fit me like a dress up to my knees. "Did you like your view?" I smirk and look at chandler who just nodded yes at me. "Of course you do babe " I wink before going down stairs to see jimmy and chris.

"Hey Chris Goodmorning " I say kissing his cheek. "Goodmorning jimmy" I say kissing his cheek."good morning amanda" they both say. I smile and grab the aspirin "Hangover?" Jimmy asks?

I shake my head. "No I don't seem to get hangovers when I drink but chandler does" I laugh a bit making the boys laugh. "Take the loser his pills I hear him groaning from down hear" Chris jokes.

I grab a water and laugh. "I'll be back with a non groaning chandler." I laugh running upstairs. "Here you go babe. Aspirin and water."I hamd him the aspirin and water which he takes immediately. "How you feeling?" I say rubbing his knee.

"I have a headache which should be gone pretty soon. But other than that fine besides your little teasing moment you gave me this morning before you left downstairs." He says. "What do you mean?"I say acting like I didn't know.

"Come on you know what I mean manda. I know we're faking this but damn I don't think I wanna fake this anymore" he says softly and suductively  while pulling me towards me. "Then why are we still doing this?"I say back with a smirk on my face.

"So Amanda, will you be my actual girlfriend?" He says pulling me closer so our faces are so close to each other. "I would love too chandler." I respond kissing him.

"Hey guys do you want so- Guys come one this is the second time I walk in on you guys making out." Chris says laughing making me pull away laughing while looking at Chris feeling chandler hide his face in my chest.

"What's up chris?" I ask laughing a bit. "Well before I interrupted something I came to ask if you guys want breakfast? I'm going to pick some up." He asked. "Yeah I'm down for breakfast." I respond "I'm down but I'll go with you so we can go by my house to get me changed"

"Alright let's go" Chris says leaving as I hand chandler back his shirt and pick up my shirt only to be received by a slap and the ass by chandler who ran out the room laughing. I laugh and shake my head putting my dress back on and walking down stairs.

"Hey jim?" I call out "kitchen." He calls back out making me walk into the kitchen. "Hey jimmy, how are you this fine moment?" I say hugging him as he hugs back. "I'm good and you?" He says. "I'm good as well. I have a question. Can I steal some clothes so I can take off this dress?" I say looking up at him.

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