Team Noah All The Way !

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I literally rolled out of my room.

I'm not that crazy, at least I thought so. More like hope so. The day was surprisingly normal after that, don't get me wrong I'm not complaining. I've had enough 'fun' for one day!

I had dinner with my parents and Mason who seems to have made a few friends. That's the thing about my little brother, he's always been a really happy and optimistic kid. He handled the news of our move much better than I did.

 Wow..... the eleven-year-old is more mature than the sixteen-year-old well almost seventeen. I finished my homework and went to bed early. As soon as I closed my eyes the events of today was all I could see. Meeting Mel, the art room, the pool, Noah coming out of the pool, my fight with Noah and that gorgeous girl in Noah's room. I started to get annoyed which I don't even think is possible considering this is all a dream.

 Why was Noah such a jerk?

This was our first time meeting properly, was it hate at first sight? Why is seeing him with another girl bothering me? I don't even know him and clearly, he hates me. Maybe I should just stay away. 

No more window buddy for me.

 At least I have Mel..........unless she stops talking to me too. I twist and turn in my bed until I fall off. My eyes snap open as soon as my body  meets  the carpeted floor. "Guess I won't be getting any sleep tonight". I walk to my window and draw the curtains to see what Noah's doing.

I'm not a stalker!

Who are you kidding ? You are most definitely stalking Noah with everything that you've got !

Which is weird because he is such an asshole but I just can't seem to stay away. Creepy right, dang it even my conscience is judging me!

Noah's lights are off. He's probably sleeping, well why wouldn't he? why would he feel bad for being rude to some random chick he doesn't even know and maybe even hates.

I close my window and go to the bathroom to wash my face. When did things get so complicated? I remember a time when 'Hakuna Matata' was the solution for everything. 

Memories of New York flooded my mind. Eating ice cream with Lily, going to the art museum, school, Luke, wait a minute ......why the frick is Luke in here he was no longer a good memory. He may have been my best guy friend and my boyfriend well......ex boyfriend  but he cheated on me!

I get it was partially my fault too , maybe I wasn't committed enough or whatever . Give me a break we had just turned sixteen. I think it's okay to not be obsessed with your boyfriend at sixteen. I mean it's not my fault I took my grades more seriously than he did. But as much as I want to forget, the stigma of being cheated on will always come to haunt me, I might even start having trust issues for all I know. 

I'm probably known as 'the girl who got cheated on 'back home. I don't need this kind of negativity right now or ever in fact. I plug in my earphones and listen to some sleep-aiding music which worked surprisingly well because the next time I opened my eyes the sun was out.

 I rolled out of bed, brushed my teeth and changed into my workout gear. It was surprisingly sunny this fine morning. Most people would be happy to have a nice warm morning in Forks but to me, it meant one thing shades weather!

I took out my Chanel sunglasses that I got for Christmas how ironic right? I got sunglasses in winter. I decided against wearing a quick-dry over my sports bra because the abs were finally coming in ! I need to find me a gym around here cause I could get used to this new found  self-confidence!

 I tie my hair in a high bun. I plug in my earphones and listen to an upbeat song. This whole 'caring about your fitness' thing isn't so bad. After the first mile, I start walking to catch my breath. What ? I never claimed to be athletic!

Up ahead I see a familiar figure with a man bun that Noah? It has to be. I'd recognize those shoulders anywhere!

Wait why the actual frick am I getting happy and ........excited? he hates me and was rude to me which means I have every right to hate him too. Two can play at this game jerk!

I put on my best poker face and resume jogging. I jog past Noah completely ignoring him. I felt my lips form a smirk as soon as I crossed him. Is this what victory feels like? Well, my moment of victory was soon interrupted by a head of beautiful blonde hair and a nose piercing. Noah stops right in front of me.

 How did he reach me that fast ?

  He actually works out Jamie and he's probably super athletic too. Dang, it ! even my conscience is a Noah Williams fan. I stop and make my best 'whoa I didn't see you there 'face. He unplugs his own earphones and points at his ears asking me to unplug mine . I internally roll my eyes....... I have to talk to him now. You know you love it!

"Hey ",he says

"Hi " real smooth Jamie real smooth

"So you jog here every morning?"

"Yeah, you ?" I ask unsure of where this conversation was going

"Only Tuesdays, the gym is closed in the morning on Tuesday"

Of course, he goes to the gym every single day and he swims too! talk about body goals damn gurl!

My conscience is starting to piss me off

"Wait there's a gym around here? I was hoping to join one"

"I'll take you with me next time if you want " he smiles at me,  dimples forming around his lips.

Someone's being a gentleman. Go for the kill Jamie, team Noah all the way! wait..... he's being nice to me, is this guy bipolar or something?

His eyebrows draw together as he looks at me. Shit, I'm just staring at him!

"Yeah that would be great " I hastily reply

he nods "I'm going to head back, I have swim practice today." this makes me glance at my watch.Woah it's getting late. I better head back too. I don't like to rush in the's bad for my skin lol as if you actually make an effort to improve your skin! My conscience seriously needs to back off.

And somehow once again , I find myself  running with Noah in front of me. Talk about deja vu. I can't stop the smile that forms on my face.

Maybe he isn't so bad.


So I know what most of you are probably thinking . How can Jamie's own conscience disagree with her, no she does not have any psychological disorder. I was trying to portray that feeling when you love something you want to hate. It's a "my head says no but my heart says yes". situation . Jamie here represents her logical thinking but her conscience represents her true feelings ........Jamie just doesn't want to believe it .

Will Jamie hangout with Noah?

Who is that gorgeous mysterious girl?

Is she Noah's girlfriend ?

but more importantly...................

Noah in a manbun !




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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