Oh, Lily Would Love Him

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Melanie and I parted ways.

What's my next class ,I opened my bag and took out my schedule.

"Let's see.... I have A.P English and then lunch, great"

As I walked towards the classroom I passed by a door with a sign that read 'Art Room'.

Ohhhhhhhh! how could I resist . Especially after Grandma Williams said that the Art Department was brilliant and she knew good art.

I opened the door and quietly entered closing the door behind me.I know I shouldn't be sneaking around on my first day here.

I scoffed at my own  conscience for a moment ,has she even met Jamie Buchanan.

I walked towards one particular canvas , one that seemed familiar in the midst of all the other strangers.

It was that painting in the Williams house I had been staring at for weeks. I took a step towards the painting to get a closer look. I noticed a signature on the right side of the canvas ,on the bottom.

It was signed with paint, I squinted my eyes to read the writing .

Noah Williams 

My window buddy was Noah Williams!

Melanie said his house was close to mine,this is way closer than I expected.

The fact that his  painting  is  here means that he probably  goes to this school.

My sudden realisation was interrupted by the sound of a door closing ,I quickly  turned my head towards the main door which I had used ,but it remained stationary.

Am I hearing things now?

Have I finally cracked? also did I bring my M &M's with me?

"Sorry , I didn't mean to startle you but do I know you ?" a not too deep voice asked

I snapped my head in the opposite direction, there's a teacher's office inside the Art Room!

That' probably where the noise came from.

I knew I wasn't crazy

"Hi I'm Jamie, I'm new here " I replied slightly embarrassed

"Hello , I'm Cedric. I teach art .So do you plan on taking art as a subject?  Because if you do, you might want to hurry  . The art class seems to be quite popular "he said with a smile.

I think I know why

Cedric was probably in his late 20s-early 30s .

He was tall with toned muscles,brown shoulder length hair and a British accent .

He was wearing a formal jacket with a T-shirt inside.Good fashion sense too ,he just keeps getting better and better.

Oh, Lily would love him. She  could never even consider a student- teacher relationship as an option back at my old school. The youngest teacher there was 40 .

 I wonder if it was the art lessons  that were  attracting the students or the hot teacher.

"No , actually my neighbours told me that the school has an amazing art department so I came to see for myself . The painter of this particular piece is actually my neighbour's grandson " I replied with a small smile.

It's definitely the teacher, he could be a male model.

"You know Noah, that's great could you give this bag to him. He doesn't have a class today and I can't leave this room unguarded "he said handing me a small blue bag and turning me around .Pushing me out of the room by my shoulders.

"Wait I don't really know" I try to reason with him

"It was nice meeting you Jamie,Noah's probably in the Natatorium (indoor pool)".

He kicked me out of his class room .

I'm starting to like Cedric lesser and lesser.

I mean he was hot and all, but pushing his errands onto me .

That's a big no no.

Great now I have to find the pool now.

I better hurry or I'm going to be late for A.P English.

Guess I'm going to meet my window buddy sooner than I thought.


Will Lily ever get the hot teacher she desires?

Will Jamie be able to find Noah?

Is Noah hot?

And where the hell is that angel?



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