My Mom's My Chaperone

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Today is the first day of school. As per usual routine I have been waking up at 5:45 am to go for a jog.

When I returned home I was engulfed by the aroma of warm pancakes fresh of the stove.

My dad  smiled at me as he passed me a plate.

My father may be annoying at times but one thing he was good at other than running the company and writing novels was making pancakes .No one made better pancakes than him.

And these weren't just any pancakes oh no, these were his famous back to school pancakes.

They had this cinnamon sugar layer which made them taste a bit like cinnamon rolls only better!

Sometimes I wonder if he mixes in some kind of chemical or drugs to make them this good.

I generously poured on some syrup which earned me a look from my mother .

" I've so earned this" I said while pointing to my beautiful breakfast.

That was  all I could muster up before I bit into the fluffy clouds on my plate.

There was a short pause before all of us started laughing.

It was just mom,dad Mason and I now.

Maxine and Lucas left for college a week ago.

After I finished stuffing my face I went up to my room to go get ready for school.

After a quick shower, I sat down at my dressing table and started brushing my hair.

I was thinking whether I should wear make up or not.

I finally decided against it.

 Back in Manhattan I would wear a full face of makeup to school everyday. I kept telling myself I was trying to be professional and wearing the makeup helped me maintain a certain decorum at school, but who am I kidding .

Even Lily always knew that the only reason  I wore makeup was because I didn't like the way my face looked without it. I got so used to wearing makeup, having that instant glow on my face that I felt incomplete without it.

I used to spend an hour every morning just getting my makeup done.

This year I thought  I would spend my mornings prepping for my classes or reading.

This was going to be a new beginning for me, no one in this town was used to seeing me with a full face of make up all the time so why not !

It's better to face my insecurities then to hide them behind my makeup,plus last year I got a skin infection due to the amount of make up I was wearing .

I wasn't just doing this for my self confidence (trust me I have enough), I was doing this for my skin . I can not bare another summer of constantly scratching my face.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

Wow my skin looks good today, it has this natural glow.

Now I get why models made it a point to go jogging whenever they could.

I put a little bit of moisturizer and some lip balm and I was ready to go.

I stuck to my usual comfy casual clothing, even back in New York I was never one to squeeze my body into a pencil skirt and some heels on a normal school day.

I left my hair down, letting it settle into its natural waves.

Satisfied with my appearance I picked up my bag and went back to the kitchen where the rest of my family was.

I still needed a ride.

I considered borrowing Lucas or Max's car but then their warnings flashed through my brain.

So I decided against it. 

I asked my mom if I could borrow her car but all she did is laugh at me.

"Not a chance ma petite fille" (my little girl)she replied with a smirk.

"How do I get to school?I don't have a ride anymore" I was getting annoyed at this point. I didn't want to be late on my first day.

"I'll drop you then" she said grabbing her keys

"Wait so you won't let me borrow your car but you'll take time out of your busy schedule to drop me to school?" I was a little surprised 

"I love you sweetie but I also love my car, and only I can drive my car" she smirked and got into her Mercedes .

What is the deal with the people in this family and their cars?

Was this some kind of hereditary trait that all of us would eventually have?

Or did they just not want me to borrow their cars? and FYI I'm a great driver 

I passed the test on my first try unlike some of my siblings (both Maxine and Lucas)

My mom's my chaperone for my first day as a junior in high school.

This is just great .

Now all I need is a sign on my head that says'Virgin who jogs every morning  in hopes to see her hot angel',yeah I still haven't seen him since.

Well this is going to be an interesting year.


Guess Jamie's mom is her chaperone.

Will she finally meet her angel boy?

Will she make new friends?

Will she stick with her decision of wearing less makeup and appreciating her natural face and features?

Stay tuned to find out!

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