How Have We Not Met Before?

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"Sweet ride" was all that managed to say.

That wasn't just a car ,that right there was a creature sent from heaven to drive Noah from place to place.

Should I save up for a car ?

''Are you going to get in or not" he said getting annoyed

I quickly lunged for the passenger's seat and clumsily put on my seat belt.

Real smooth Jamie , real smooth

The doors descended and closed. Noah smoothly backed out of the parking lot.

"Thanks for bringing me my pouch, I didn't thank you properly.So how'd you meet Melanie?"

"I saw her this morning , her locker is pretty close to mine. We also have AP Psychology together, I sat with her" I replied were we on  speaking terms now?

"You see, Melanie doesn't normally bring new people to sit with her friends and is usually the last to warm up to new people ,so you must have really made a good impression huh. You live in Rosewood right?"

"Yup , 'The White Lily ' "I said popping the 'p'

This made Noah raise his eyebrows

"Your our new neighbour? How have we not met before"

"Hey! I've been here this whole time I even met Charlotte"

"Yeah I wasn't home for most of the holidays. I had to finish my painting"

"Is the  art program  really popular at school?" I inquire 

"The art program was always a favourite thanks to Monsieur Louis' teaching but it seems to have gotten even more popular thanks to the arrival of a certain intern"he's smirking now

I knew it! 

The  ladies couldn't keep their hands off that long haired hottie

"Who's Monsieur Louis?"

"He's the art teacher . He's way older than Cedric"

"So my assumption was correct  , Cedric has made the art program more popular. So he's not a teacher?"

"No , he  just graduated from an art school in France this summer. He's Louis'nephew .He's assisting his uncle as well as improving his own style of painting.Cedric's paintings are really good . He might hold an exhibition soon"

"You seem close"I reply

The atmosphere around us is getting better

Am I warming up to him?

"Yeah , Louis is friends with my parents. So that would make Ced and I  family friends.My family attended his graduation this summer.His painting for the exhibition was phenomenal "

"He probably has a lot of problems dealing with girls at this school"

The car came to a halt outside his house

"Mind your own business "he said a little too harshly .

I quietly got out of the car , thanked him for the ride and entered my own house.

I ran up to my bedroom and lay down on my bed , tears threatening to leave my eyes.

Why am I letting some stupid hot guy affect me this way?

I am no fan girl

Who does he think he is speaking that rudely to me ! all I did was make an innocent remark does he not realise I'm new here.

I'll show him who's boss .


Will Noah apologise to Jamie?

Will Jamie ice out Noah?

but more importantly.........

Does Cedric have a girlfriend?



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