Stop , Drop And Roll

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After laying in bed for a while I decided to take a shower and change into my sweats ,

 cause why not .

If Noah wants to be a jerk then he can do what he wants .I'm not going to waste my time crying over some guy. I take a warm shower, change into my sweat pants and a sweat shirt.I decide to finish my homework first so I can watch 'Criminals minds' later and then call Lily .She's going to freak when I tell her  about Cedric.

I sat down at the small desk in my room and as I was about to open my binder I heard the sound of a door closing.

It must be from Noah's house.

Would it be creepy if I looked at his room through my window?

Just to see if he's there ?

I mentally slap myself. My mind needs to learn the meaning of the word dignity, because at this rate I may not have any left by the end of this year.

Noah Williams what are you doing to me ?

I will not fall for this proud judgemental ass hole! he may have thanked me for earlier but he didn't apologise for being rude to me when I gave him his art bag , I can't believe he thought I was one of his fan girls!

Now I'm pissed off!

And I really don't want to be anywhere near Noah right now.

I  walk towards the window to shut my curtains. When I reach the window I freeze up.

I'm being very serious here! 

I literally froze.My eyes threatened to pop out off their sockets  and to make it worse my mouth was probably hanging open.

Noah was in the  room with his back facing the window , passionately kissing someone.

When I finally regained control over my body, I crouched down in front of my window.Only my eyes above the window sill.

I finally saw the other person's face. 

Calling her beautiful is an understatement . She had a beautiful face with a body to match.Long , silky hair and nice eyebrows too! 

I get this feeling of emptiness in my stomach.

Am I hungry?

No wait , don't tell me . Am I........................................ jealous?

I try to shake off this sudden flood of  emotions, but it doesn't move one bit.

I don't even know Noah or this beautiful girl. So why do I feel so .............disappointed .

The girl notices me.


And I know what you're thinking , yes it was while she was kissing Noah.

She didn't stop kissing Noah though, was this her  way of showing me that Noah was her's?

When they finally stopped, she got off Noah's lap and he left the room.How has he still not noticed me?

The girl looks at me through the window and smiles.

What's surprising is it's not one of those "you can't have my boyfriend "smiles .Trust me I would know, jealous girlfriends are the worst.

It was more of a "hi there!"smile. She had dimples too

This world isn't fair!

Now I don't know if other people feel this way, but I didn't want to have a conversation with someone who I just walked in on while they were  freaking making out with someone!

So I did what I thought was best 

Stop, drop and roll.

I literally rolled out of my room .

Well done Jamie , you finally used your fire safety technique appropriately.

Why does my own conscience have to be such a bitch?



Who is this girl?

Will Jamie see her again?

Am I the only one who feels Jamie's conscience is a total bad ass?



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